Ryan B. Sills
Cited by
Cited by
A bamboo-inspired nanostructure design for flexible, foldable, and twistable energy storage devices
Y Sun, RB Sills, X Hu, ZW Seh, X Xiao, H Xu, W Luo, H Jin, Y Xin, T Li, ...
Nano letters 15 (6), 3899-3906, 2015
Roadmap on multiscale materials modeling
E Van Der Giessen, PA Schultz, N Bertin, VV Bulatov, W Cai, G Csányi, ...
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 28 (4), 043001, 2020
Dislocation networks and the microstructural origin of strain hardening
RB Sills, N Bertin, A Aghaei, W Cai
Physical review letters 121 (8), 085501, 2018
An Fe‐Ni‐Cr embedded atom method potential for austenitic and ferritic systems
XW Zhou, ME Foster, RB Sills
Journal of computational chemistry 39 (29), 2420-2431, 2018
Frontiers in the simulation of dislocations
N Bertin, RB Sills, W Cai
Annual Review of Materials Research 50 (1), 437-464, 2020
Modeling a distribution of point defects as misfitting inclusions in stressed solids
W Cai, RB Sills, DM Barnett, WD Nix
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 66, 154-171, 2014
Void nucleation during ductile rupture of metals: A review
PJ Noell, RB Sills, AA Benzerga, BL Boyce
Progress in Materials Science 135, 101085, 2023
Cohesive-length scales for damage and toughening mechanisms
RB Sills, MD Thouless
International Journal of Solids and Structures 55, 32-43, 2015
Solute drag on perfect and extended dislocations
RB Sills, W Cai
Philosophical Magazine 96 (10), 895-921, 2016
The effect of cohesive-law parameters on mixed-mode fracture
RB Sills, MD Thouless
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 109, 353-368, 2013
Fundamentals of dislocation dynamics simulations
RB Sills, WP Kuykendall, A Aghaei, W Cai
Multiscale materials modeling for nanomechanics, 53-87, 2016
Atomistic calculations of dislocation core energy in aluminium
XW Zhou, RB Sills, DK Ward, RA Karnesky
Physical Review B 95 (5), 054112, 2017
Advanced time integration algorithms for dislocation dynamics simulations of work hardening
RB Sills, A Aghaei, W Cai
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 24 (4), 045019, 2016
Void growth by dislocation adsorption
RB Sills, BL Boyce
Materials Research Letters 8 (3), 103-109, 2020
Free energy change of a dislocation due to a Cottrell atmosphere
RB Sills, W Cai
Philosophical Magazine 98 (16), 1491-1510, 2018
An Fe–Ni–Cr–H interatomic potential and predictions of hydrogen-affected stacking fault energies in austenitic stainless steels
XW Zhou, C Nowak, RS Skelton, ME Foster, JA Ronevich, C San Marchi, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (1), 651-665, 2022
Dislocation density-based plasticity model from massive discrete dislocation dynamics database
S Akhondzadeh, RB Sills, N Bertin, W Cai
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 145, 104152, 2020
Line-length-dependent dislocation mobilities in an FCC stainless steel alloy
RB Sills, ME Foster, XW Zhou
International Journal of Plasticity 135, 102791, 2020
Temperature and composition dependent screw dislocation mobility in austenitic stainless steels from large-scale molecular dynamics
K Chu, ME Foster, RB Sills, X Zhou, T Zhu, DL McDowell
npj Computational Materials 6 (1), 179, 2020
Efficient time integration in dislocation dynamics
RB Sills, W Cai
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22 (2), 025003, 2014
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Articles 1–20