David E. Galván
David E. Galván
Investigador, Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos (CONICET)
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Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features
GJ Edgar, RD Stuart-Smith, TJ Willis, S Kininmonth, SC Baker, S Banks, ...
Nature 506 (7487), 216-220, 2014
Reef fishes at all trophic levels respond positively to effective marine protected areas
GA Soler, GJ Edgar, RJ Thomson, S Kininmonth, SJ Campbell, ...
PLoS One 10 (10), e0140270, 2015
Power of stable isotope techniques to detect size-based feeding in marine fishes
DE Galvan, CJ Sweeting, WDK Reid
Marine Ecology Progress Series 407, 271-278, 2010
The reef-fish fauna of the Northern Patagonian gulfs, Argentina, South-western Atlantic
D E Galván, L A Venerus, A J Irigoyen
The Open Fish Science Journal 2 (1), 2009
Assessing urban microplastic pollution in a benthic habitat of Patagonia Argentina
MF Ríos, RD Hernández-Moresino, DE Galván
Marine Pollution Bulletin 159, 111491, 2020
Variability in abundance of temperate reef fishes estimated by visual census
AJ Irigoyen, DE Galván, LA Venerus, AM Parma
PLoS One 8 (4), e61072, 2013
Food partitioning and spatial subsidy in shelter‐limited fishes inhabiting patchy reefs of Patagonia
DE Galván, F Botto, AM Parma, L Bandieri, N Mohamed, OO Iribarne
Journal of fish biology 75 (10), 2585-2605, 2009
Methodological uncertainty in resource mixing models for generalist fishes
DE Galvan, CJ Sweeting, NVC Polunin
Oecologia 169 (4), 1083-1093, 2012
Occurrence of dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834) in gulfs of northern Patagonia, Argentina
AJ Irigoyen, DE Galván, LA Venerus
Journal of Fish Biology 67 (6), 1741-1745, 2005
Benthic diversity and assemblage structure of a north Patagonian rocky shore: a monitoring legacy of the NaGISA project
ME Rechimont, DE Galvan, MC Sueiro, G Casas, ML Piriz, ME Diez, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93 (8 …, 2013
Acoustic signals and behaviour of Ovalipes trimaculatus in the context of reproduction
G Buscaino, A Gavio, D Galvan, F Filiciotto, V Maccarrone, G de Vincenzi, ...
AQUATIC BIOLOGY 24 (1), 61-73, 2015
Influence of predatory reef fishes on the spatial distribution of Munida gregaria (= M. subrugosa)(Crustacea; Galatheidae) in shallow Patagonian soft bottoms
DE Galván, AM Parma, OO Iribarne
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 354 (1), 93-100, 2008
Extension of the distributional range of the silver porgy, Diplodus argenteus (Valenciennes 1830), and the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus 1758)(Sparidae) in northern …
DE Galván, LA Venerus, AJ Irigoyen, AM Parma, AE Gosztonyi
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (5), 444-447, 2005
Metabarcoding, direct stomach observation and stable isotope analysis reveal a highly diverse diet for the invasive green crab in Atlantic Patagonia
G Cordone, M Lozada, E Vilacoba, B Thalinger, G Bigatti, DA Lijtmaer, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.08. 13.249896, 2021
Estimating tissue-specific discrimination factors and turnover rates of stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon inthe smallnose fanskate Sympterygia bonapartii (Rajidae)
DE Galván, J Jañez, AJ Irigoyen
Journal of Fish Biology, 2016
Trophic relationships between a Patagonian gastropod and its epibiotic anemone revealed by using stable isotopes and direct observations
S Zabala, G Bigatti, F Botto, OO Iribarne, DE Galván
Marine Biology 160, 909-919, 2013
Annual occupation pattern of temperate rocky reefs by the Argentine sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata in San José Gulf Marine Park, Argentina
LA Venerus, AM Parma, DE Galvan
Fisheries Management and Ecology 15 (3), 217-229, 2008
Spatial dynamics of the Argentine sandperch, Pseudopercis semifasciata (Pinguipedidae), in temperate rocky reefs from northern Patagonia, Argentina
LA Venerus, AJ Irigoyen, DE Galván, AM Parma
Marine and Freshwater Research 65 (1), 39-49, 2013
Does trawl fisheries affect the diet of fishes? A stable isotope analysis approach
M Funes, C Marinao, DE Galván
Isotopes in environmental and health studies, 1-17, 2019
Ensambles de peces en los arrecifes norpatagónicos: diversidad, abundancia y relaciones tróficas y con el hábitat
DE Galván
Doctoral tesis, Universidad Nacional Del Comahue, 2008
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