Diana Skigin
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Cited by
Transmission resonances of metallic compound gratings with subwavelength slits
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Physical review letters 95 (21), 217402, 2005
Extraordinary transmission through arrays of slits: a circuit theory model
F Medina, F Mesa, DC Skigin
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 58 (1), 105-115, 2009
Superdirective radiation from finite gratings of rectangular grooves
DC Skigin, VV Veremey, R Mittra
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 47 (2), 376-383, 1999
Scattering from metallic surfaces having a finite number of rectangular grooves
RA Depine, DC Skigin
JOSA A 11 (11), 2844-2850, 1994
Experimental demonstration of phase resonances in metallic compound gratings with subwavelength slits in the millimeter wave regime
M Navarro-Cía, DC Skigin, M Beruete, M Sorolla
Applied Physics Letters 94 (9), 2009
Narrow gaps for transmission through metallic structured gratings with subwavelength slits
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
Resonant effects in periodic gratings comprising a finite number of grooves in each period
AN Fantino, SI Grosz, DC Skigin
Physical Review E 64 (1), 016605, 2001
Diffraction by dual-period gratings
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Applied optics 46 (9), 1385-1391, 2007
Phase resonances in compound metallic gratings
DC Skigin, AN Fantino, SI Grosz
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 5 (5), S129, 2003
Bandwidth control of forbidden transmission gaps in compound structures with subwavelength slits
DC Skigin, H Loui, Z Popovic, EF Kuester
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (1 …, 2007
Optical extinction spectroscopy used to characterize metallic nanowires
LB Scaffardi, M Lester, D Skigin, JO Tocho
Nanotechnology 18 (31), 315402, 2007
Resonances on metallic compound transmission gratings with subwavelength wires and slits
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Optics communications 262 (2), 270-275, 2006
Resonant effects in compound diffraction gratings: influence of the geometrical parameters of the surface
SI Grosz, DC Skigin, AN Fantino
Physical Review E 65 (5), 056619, 2002
Surface shape resonances and surface plasmon polariton excitations in bottle-shaped metallic gratings
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Physical Review E 63 (4), 046608, 2001
Coupling of evanescent s-polarized waves to the far field by waveguide modes in metallic arrays
M Lester, DC Skigin
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9 (1), 81, 2006
The multilayer modal method for electromagnetic scattering from surfaces with several arbitrarily shaped grooves
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Journal of Modern Optics 44 (5), 1023-1036, 1997
Resonant modes of a bottle-shaped cavity and their effects in the response of finite and infinite gratings
RA Depine, DC Skigin
Physical review E 61 (4), 4479, 2000
An optical nanoantenna made of plasmonic chain resonators
M Lester, DC Skigin
Journal of Optics 13 (3), 035105, 2011
Structural color in Myxomycetes
M Inchaussandague, D Skigin, C Carmaran, S Rosenfeldt
Optics Express 18 (15), 16055-16063, 2010
Resonant enhancement of the field within a single ground-plane cavity: comparison of different rectangular shapes
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Physical Review E 59 (3), 3661, 1999
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Articles 1–20