Gabriel Baglietto
Gabriel Baglietto
IFLYSIB CONICET CCT La Plata and Facultad de Ingenieria UNLP
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Nature of the order-disorder transition in the Vicsek model for the collective motion of self-propelled particles
G Baglietto, EV Albano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Study of phase transitions from short-time non-equilibrium behaviour
EV Albano, MA Bab, G Baglietto, RA Borzi, TS Grigera, ES Loscar, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 74 (2), 026501, 2011
Finite-size scaling analysis and dynamic study of the critical behavior of a model for the collective displacement of self-driven individuals
G Baglietto, EV Albano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
Continuous-space automaton model for pedestrian dynamics
G Baglietto, DR Parisi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (5 …, 2011
Criticality and the onset of ordering in the standard Vicsek model
G Baglietto, EV Albano, J Candia
Interface Focus 2 (6), 708-714, 2012
Computer simulations of the collective displacement of self-propelled agents
G Baglietto, EV Albano
Computer Physics Communications 180 (4), 527-531, 2009
Multistate voter model with imperfect copying
F Vazquez, ES Loscar, G Baglietto
Physical Review E 100 (4), 042301, 2019
Complex network structure of flocks in the Standard Vicsek Model
G Baglietto, EV Albano, J Candia
Journal of Statistical Physics 153, 270-288, 2013
Gregarious versus individualistic behavior in Vicsek swarms and the onset of first-order phase transitions
G Baglietto, EV Albano, J Candia
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (15), 3240-3247, 2013
Monopole matter from magnetoelastic coupling in the Ising pyrochlore
D Slobinsky, L Pili, G Baglietto, SA Grigera, RA Borzi
Communications Physics 4 (1), 56, 2021
Charge and spin correlations in the monopole liquid
D Slobinsky, G Baglietto, RA Borzi
Physical Review B 97 (17), 174422, 2018
Phase transitions in the collective motion of self-propelled individuals
G Baglietto, EV Albano
International Journal of Modern Physics C 17 (03), 395-402, 2006
Flocking dynamics with voter-like interactions
G Baglietto, F Vazquez
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2018 (3), 033403, 2018
Heterogeneity promotes first to second order phase transition on flocking systems
L Guisandez, G Baglietto, A Rozenfeld
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.11531, 2017
Complex network structure of flocks in the Vicsek Model with Vectorial Noise
G Baglietto, EV Albano, J Candia
International Journal of Modern Physics C 25 (03), 1350095, 2014
Noisy multistate voter model for flocking in finite dimensions
ES Loscar, G Baglietto, F Vazquez
Physical Review E 104 (3), 034111, 2021
Otherwise identical particles with differing, fixed speeds demix under time-reversible dynamics
G Baglietto, A Seif, TS Grigera, W Paul
Physical Review E 101 (6), 062606, 2020
Temporal correlations in the Vicsek model with vectorial noise
D Gulich, G Baglietto, AF Rozenfeld
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 502, 590-604, 2018
Density-based clustering: A ‘landscape view’of multi-channel neural data for inference and dynamic complexity analysis
G Baglietto, G Gigante, P Del Giudice
Plos one 12 (4), e0174918, 2017
Transiciones de fase en sistemas de partículas autopropulsadas
G Baglietto
Tesis doctoral, 2011
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Articles 1–20