Yongming Sun/孙永明
Cited by
Cited by
Designing high-energy lithium–sulfur batteries
ZW Seh, Y Sun, Q Zhang, Y Cui
Chemical society reviews 45 (20), 5605-5634, 2016
Promises and challenges of nanomaterials for lithium-based rechargeable batteries
Y Sun, N Liu, Y Cui
Nature Energy 1 (7), 1-12, 2016
A phosphorene–graphene hybrid material as a high-capacity anode for sodium-ion batteries
J Sun, HW Lee, M Pasta, H Yuan, G Zheng, Y Sun, Y Li, Y Cui
Nature nanotechnology 10 (11), 980-985, 2015
Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and interfaces revealed by cryo–electron microscopy
Y Li, Y Li, A Pei, K Yan, Y Sun, CL Wu, LM Joubert, R Chin, AL Koh, Y Yu, ...
Science 358 (6362), 506-510, 2017
A highly reversible room-temperature sodium metal anode
ZW Seh, J Sun, Y Sun, Y Cui
ACS central science 1 (8), 449-455, 2015
Reconstruction of conformal nanoscale MnO on graphene as a high‐capacity and long‐life anode material for lithium ion batteries
Y Sun, X Hu, W Luo, F Xia, Y Huang
Advanced functional materials 23 (19), 2436-2444, 2013
Self-Assembled Hierarchical MoO2/Graphene Nanoarchitectures and Their Application as a High-Performance Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Y Sun, X Hu, W Luo, Y Huang
ACS nano 5 (9), 7100-7107, 2011
Two-dimensional layered transition metal disulphides for effective encapsulation of high-capacity lithium sulphide cathodes
ZW Seh, JH Yu, W Li, PC Hsu, H Wang, Y Sun, H Yao, Q Zhang, Y Cui
Nature communications 5 (1), 5017, 2014
Flexible Asymmetric Micro‐Supercapacitors Based on Bi2O3 and MnO2 Nanoflowers: Larger Areal Mass Promises Higher Energy Density
H Xu, X Hu, H Yang, Y Sun, C Hu, Y Huang
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (6), 1401882, 2015
Insight into the electrode mechanism in lithium‐sulfur batteries with ordered microporous carbon confined sulfur as the cathode
Z Li, L Yuan, Z Yi, Y Sun, Y Liu, Y Jiang, Y Shen, Y Xin, Z Zhang, Y Huang
Advanced Energy Materials 4 (7), 1301473, 2014
Self-healing SEI enables full-cell cycling of a silicon-majority anode with a coulombic efficiency exceeding 99.9%
Y Jin, S Li, A Kushima, X Zheng, Y Sun, J Xie, J Sun, W Xue, G Zhou, ...
Energy & environmental science 10 (2), 580-592, 2017
Entrapment of polysulfides by a black-phosphorus-modified separator for lithium-sulfur batteries
J Sun, Y Sun, M Pasta, G Zhou, Y Li, W Liu, F Xiong, Y Cui
Advanced materials 28 (44), 2016
Chemically resistant Cu–Zn/Zn composite anode for long cycling aqueous batteries
Z Cai, Y Ou, J Wang, R Xiao, L Fu, Z Yuan, R Zhan, Y Sun
Energy Storage Materials 27, 205-211, 2020
High-performance sodium–organic battery by realizing four-sodium storage in disodium rhodizonate
M Lee, J Hong, J Lopez, Y Sun, D Feng, K Lim, WC Chueh, MF Toney, ...
Nature Energy 2 (11), 861-868, 2017
Electrospun core-shell microfiber separator with thermal-triggered flame-retardant properties for lithium-ion batteries
K Liu, W Liu, Y Qiu, B Kong, Y Sun, Z Chen, D Zhuo, D Lin, Y Cui
Science advances 3 (1), e1601978, 2017
Electrospun porous ZnCo 2 O 4 nanotubes as a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries
W Luo, X Hu, Y Sun, Y Huang
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (18), 8916-8921, 2012
High-capacity battery cathode prelithiation to offset initial lithium loss
Y Sun, HW Lee, ZW Seh, N Liu, J Sun, Y Li, Y Cui
Nature Energy 1 (1), 1-7, 2016
Mechanical rolling formation of interpenetrated lithium metal/lithium tin alloy foil for ultrahigh-rate battery anode
M Wan, S Kang, L Wang, HW Lee, GW Zheng, Y Cui, Y Sun
Nature Communications 11 (1), 829, 2020
A bamboo-inspired nanostructure design for flexible, foldable, and twistable energy storage devices
Y Sun, RB Sills, X Hu, ZW Seh, X Xiao, H Xu, W Luo, H Jin, Y Xin, T Li, ...
Nano letters 15 (6), 3899-3906, 2015
Fast conversion and controlled deposition of lithium (poly) sulfides in lithium-sulfur batteries using high-loading cobalt single atoms
Y Li, J Wu, B Zhang, W Wang, G Zhang, ZW Seh, N Zhang, J Sun, ...
Energy Storage Materials 30, 250-259, 2020
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Articles 1–20