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21st century climate change scenario for the Mediterranean using a coupled atmosphere–ocean regional climate model
S Somot, F Sevault, M Déqué, M Crépon
Global and Planetary Change 63 (2-3), 112-126, 2008
The dynamics of the Sicily Strait: a comprehensive study from observations and models
K Béranger, L Mortier, GP Gasparini, L Gervasio, M Astraldi, M Crépon
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (4-5), 411-440, 2004
Inertial oscillations on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions—Observations and theory
C Millot, M Crépon
Journal of Physical Oceanography 11 (5), 639-657, 1981
Relations between variability in the Mediterranean region and mid-latitude variability
R Trigo, E Xoplaki, E Zorita, J Luterbacher, SO Krichak, P Alpert, ...
Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences 4, 179-226, 2006
A three-dimensional numerical study of deep-water formation in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
G Madec, P Delecluse, M Crepon, M Chartier
Journal of Physical Oceanography 21 (9), 1349-1371, 1991
Seasonal variability of water transport through the Straits of Gibraltar, Sicily and Corsica, derived from a high-resolution model of the Mediterranean circulation
K Béranger, L Mortier, M Crépon
Progress in Oceanography 66 (2-4), 341-364, 2005
Low‐frequency waves in the Ligurian Sea during December 1977
M Crépon, L Wald, JM Monget
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 87 (C1), 595-600, 1982
A neural network approach for modeling nonlinear transfer functions: Application for wind retrieval from spaceborne scatterometer data
S Thiria, C Mejia, F Badran, M Crepon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 98 (C12), 22827-22841, 1993
Yucatan Channel flow: Observations versus CLIPPER ATL6 and MERCATOR PAM models
J Candela, S Tanahara, M Crepon, B Barnier, J Sheinbaum
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C12), 2003
Surface circulation of the Levantine Basin: comparison of model results with observations
B Alhammoud, K Béranger, L Mortier, M Crépon, I Dekeyser
Progress in Oceanography 66 (2-4), 299-320, 2005
Transient upwelling generated by two-dimensional atmospheric forcing and variability in the coastline
M Crépon, C Richez
Journal of Physical Oceanography 12 (12), 1437-1457, 1982
Impact of the spatial distribution of the atmospheric forcing on water mass formation in the Mediterranean Sea
K Béranger, Y Drillet, MN Houssais, P Testor, R Bourdallé‐Badie, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C12), 2010
Influence de la pression atmosphérique sur le niveau moyen de la Méditerranée Occidentale et sur le flux à travers le détroit de Gibraltar
M Crépon
Éditeur inconnu, 1961
Large-scale preconditioning of deep-water formation in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
G Madec, P Delecluse, M Crépon, F Lott
Journal of Physical Oceanography 26 (8), 1393-1408, 1996
Retrieval of pigment concentrations and size structure of algal populations from their absorption spectra using multilayered perceptrons
A Bricaud, C Mejia, D Blondeau-Patissier, H Claustre, M Crepon, S Thiria
Applied Optics 46 (8), 1251-1260, 2007
Effects of coastline geometry on upwellings
M Crépon, C Richez, M Chartier
Journal of Physical Oceanography 14 (8), 1365-1382, 1984
The effect of thermohaline forcing variability on deep water formation in the western Mediterranean Sea: a high-resolution three-dimensional numerical study
G Madec, M Chartier, M Crépon
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 15 (3-5), 301-332, 1991
Use of a neurovariational inversion for retrieving oceanic and atmospheric constituents from ocean color imagery: A feasibility study
C Jamet, S Thiria, C Moulin, M Crépon
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22 (4), 460-475, 2005
Comparing 20 years of precipitation estimates from different sources over the world ocean
K Béranger, B Barnier, S Gulev, M Crépon
Ocean Dynamics 56, 104-138, 2006
Reconstruction of satellite chlorophyll images under heavy cloud coverage using a neural classification method
M Jouini, M Lévy, M Crépon, S Thiria
Remote sensing of environment 131, 232-246, 2013
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