Lu Zhang
Lu Zhang
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Effects of virtual reality on theme park visitors' experience and behaviors: A presence perspective
W Wei, R Qi, L Zhang
Tourism management 71, 282-293, 2019
Seeing destinations through vlogs: implications for leveraging customer engagement behavior to increase travel intention
Y Cheng, W Wei, L Zhang
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (10), 3227-3248, 2020
Sustainability communication: The effect of message construals on consumers’ attitudes towards green restaurants
ND Line, L Hanks, L Zhang
International Journal of Hospitality Management 57, 143-151, 2016
The state of qualitative research in hospitality: A 5-year review 2014 to 2019
S McGinley, W Wei, L Zhang, Y Zheng
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 62 (1), 8-20, 2021
Luxe for less: How do consumers react to luxury hotel price promotions? The moderating role of consumers’ need for status
W Yang, L Zhang, AS Mattila
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 57 (1), 82-92, 2016
Online reviews: The role of information load and peripheral factors
L Zhang, L Wu, AS Mattila
Journal of Travel Research 55 (3), 299-310, 2016
Social innovation in service: a conceptual framework and research agenda
L Aksoy, L Alkire, S Choi, PB Kim, L Zhang
Journal of Service Management 30 (3), 429-448, 2019
Predictors of avoidance towards personalization of restaurant smartphone advertising: A study from the Millennials’ perspective
P Nyheim, S Xu, L Zhang, AS Mattila
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 6 (2), 145-159, 2015
How effective are your CSR messages? The moderating role of processing fluency and construal level
L Zhang
International Journal of Hospitality Management 41, 56-62, 2014
Online reviews: The effect of cosmopolitanism, incidental similarity, and dispersion on consumer attitudes toward ethnic restaurants
L Zhang, L Hanks
International Journal of Hospitality Management 68, 115-123, 2018
What you get is not what you saw: exploring the impacts of misleading hotel website photos
PJ Kuo, L Zhang, DA Cranage
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (6), 1301-1319, 2015
Consumer skepticism towards CSR messages: The joint effects of processing fluency, individuals’ need for cognition and mood
L Zhang, L Hanks
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (8), 2070-2084, 2017
The effect of power and gender on technology acceptance
L Zhang, P Nyheim, A S. Mattila
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 5 (3), 299-314, 2014
When positive reviews backfire: The effect of review dispersion and expectation disconfirmation on Airbnb guests’ experiences
L Zhang, W Wei, ND Line, Y Cheng
International Journal of Hospitality Management 96, 102979, 2021
Perceived similarity in third places: Understanding the effect of place attachment
L Hanks, L Zhang, N Line
International Journal of Hospitality Management 86, 102455, 2020
Online reviews: The impact of power and incidental similarity
L Zhang
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 24 (6), 633-651, 2015
A customer-centric five actor model for sustainability and service innovation
ACR van Riel, TW Andreassen, L Lervik-Olsen, L Zhang, S Mithas, ...
Journal of Business Research 136, 389-401, 2021
The empowering role of hospitable telemedicine experience in reducing isolation and anxiety: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
Y Cheng, W Wei, Y Zhong, L Zhang
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 33 (3), 851-872, 2021
Integrating the tourist gaze with the social servicescape: Implications for creating memorable theme park experiences
Y Zheng, W Wei, N Line, L Zhang
International Journal of Hospitality Management 93, 102782, 2021
When less is more: Sustainability messaging, destination type, and processing fluency
L Hanks, L Zhang, N Line, S McGinley
International journal of hospitality management 58, 34-43, 2016
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