Hoi-Yin Hui
Hoi-Yin Hui
Physics Ph.D., University of Maryland
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Soft superconducting gap in semiconductor Majorana nanowires
S Takei, BM Fregoso, HY Hui, AM Lobos, S Das Sarma
Physical review letters 110 (18), 186803, 2013
Topological Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chain from spin-orbit coupling
PMR Brydon, S Das Sarma, HY Hui, JD Sau
Physical Review B 91 (6), 064505, 2015
Odd-parity superconductivity from phonon-mediated pairing: Application to
PMR Brydon, S Das Sarma, HY Hui, JD Sau
Physical Review B 90 (18), 184512, 2014
Majorana fermions in ferromagnetic chains on the surface of bulk spin-orbit coupled s-wave superconductors
HY Hui, PMR Brydon, JD Sau, S Tewari, SD Sarma
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8880, 2015
Bulk disorder in the superconductor affects proximity-induced topological superconductivity
HY Hui, JD Sau, SD Sarma
Phys. Rev. B 92, 174512, 2015
Avoidance of Majorana Resonances in Periodic Topological Superconductor-Nanowire Structures
JD Sau, CH Lin, HY Hui, SD Sarma
Physical Review Letters 108 (6), 067001, 2012
Equilibration dynamics of strongly interacting bosons in 2D lattices with disorder
M Yan, HY Hui, M Rigol, VW Scarola
Physical review letters 119 (7), 073002, 2017
Robust two-qubit gates for exchange-coupled qubits
F Setiawan, HY Hui, JP Kestner, X Wang, SD Sarma
Physical Review B 89 (8), 085314, 2014
Proposal for geometric generation of a biexciton in a quantum dot using a chirped pulse
HY Hui, RB Liu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (15), 155315, 2008
Proximity-induced superconductivity and Josephson critical current in quantum spin Hall systems
HY Hui, AM Lobos, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B 90 (22), 224517, 2014
Generalized Eilenberger theory for Majorana zero-mode-carrying disordered -wave superconductors
HY Hui, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B 90 (6), 064516, 2014
Correlated spin-flip tunneling in a Fermi lattice gas
W Xu, W Morong, HY Hui, VW Scarola, B DeMarco
Physical Review A 98 (2), 023623, 2018
Quantum rotor theory of spinor condensates in tight traps
R Barnett, HY Hui, CH Lin, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (2), 023613, 2011
Dynamics of disordered states in the Bose-Hubbard model with confinement
M Yan, HY Hui, VW Scarola
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053624, 2017
Substrate-induced Majorana renormalization in topological nanowires
SD Sarma, HY Hui, PMR Brydon, JD Sau
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 075001, 2015
Quantum anomalous Hall state from spatially decaying interactions on the decorated honeycomb lattice
M Chen, HY Hui, S Tewari, VW Scarola
Physical Review B 97 (3), 035114, 2018
Spin-orbit-driven transitions between Mott insulators and finite-momentum superfluids of bosons in optical lattices
M Yan, Y Qian, HY Hui, M Gong, C Zhang, VW Scarola
Physical Review A 96 (5), 053619, 2017
Loop-structure stability of a double-well-lattice Bose-Einstein condensate
HY Hui, R Barnett, JV Porto, S Das Sarma
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 063636, 2012
Superfluidity in the absence of kinetics in spin-orbit-coupled optical lattices
HY Hui, Y Zhang, C Zhang, VW Scarola
Physical Review A 95 (3), 033603, 2017
-periodic dissipationless ac Josephson effect on a quantum spin Hall edge via a quantum magnetic impurity
HY Hui, JD Sau
Physical Review B 95 (1), 014505, 2017
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Articles 1–20