Andrew Cron
Cited by
Cited by
Understanding GPU programming for statistical computation: Studies in massively parallel massive mixtures
MA Suchard, Q Wang, C Chan, J Frelinger, A Cron, M West
Journal of computational and graphical statistics 19 (2), 419-438, 2010
Hierarchical modeling for rare event detection and cell subset alignment across flow cytometry samples
A Cron, C Gouttefangeas, J Frelinger, L Lin, SK Singh, CM Britten, ...
PLoS computational biology 9 (7), e1003130, 2013
Efficient classification-based relabeling in mixture models
AJ Cron, M West
The American Statistician 65 (1), 16-20, 2011
Models of random sparse eigenmatrices and Bayesian analysis of multivariate structure
A Cron, M West
Statistical Analysis for High-Dimensional Data: The Abel Symposium 2014, 125-153, 2016
Bayesian computation in dynamic latent factor models
I Lavine, A Cron, M West
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 31 (3), 651-665, 2022
Big data
A Cron, HL Nguyen, A Parameswaran
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 19 (1), 7-8, 2012
Multivariate dynamic modeling for Bayesian forecasting of business revenue
AK Yanchenko, G Tierney, J Lawson, C Hellmayr, A Cron, M West
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 39 (3), 292-309, 2023
Hierarchical dynamic modelling for individualized Bayesian forecasting
AK Yanchenko, DD Deng, J Li, AJ Cron, M West
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 72 (1 …, 2023
Collaborative filtering for massive multinomial data
A Cron, L Zhang, D Agarwal
Journal of Applied Statistics 41 (4), 701-715, 2014
PyBATS: A Python package for Bayesian analysis of time series and Bayesian forecasting
I Lavine, A Cron
Bayesian metrology in metabolomics
D Banks, A Cron, A Raskind
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 208, 104208, 2021
gpustats: GPU Library for Statistical Computing in Python
A Cron, W McKinney
Mixture Modeling, Sparse Covariance Estimation and Parallel Computing in Bayesian Analysis
A Cron
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Articles 1–13