Stacia Keller
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of surface states on the DC and RF characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HFETs
R Vetury, NQ Zhang, S Keller, UK Mishra
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 48 (3), 560-566, 2001
Role of threading dislocation structure on the x‐ray diffraction peak widths in epitaxial GaN films
B Heying, XH Wu, S Keller, Y Li, D Kapolnek, BP Keller, SP DenBaars, ...
Applied physics letters 68 (5), 643-645, 1996
“S-shaped” temperature-dependent emission shift and carrier dynamics in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells
YH Cho, GH Gainer, AJ Fischer, JJ Song, S Keller, UK Mishra, ...
Applied Physics Letters 73 (10), 1370-1372, 1998
Origin of defect-insensitive emission probability in In-containing (Al, In, Ga) N alloy semiconductors
SF Chichibu, A Uedono, T Onuma, BA Haskell, A Chakraborty, T Koyama, ...
Nature materials 5 (10), 810-816, 2006
AlGaN/AlN/GaN high-power microwave HEMT
L Shen, S Heikman, B Moran, R Coffie, NQ Zhang, D Buttari, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 22 (10), 457-459, 2001
High-power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs for ka-band applications
T Palacios, A Chakraborty, S Rajan, C Poblenz, S Keller, SP DenBaars, ...
IEEE Electron device letters 26 (11), 781-783, 2005
Structural origin of V-defects and correlation with localized excitonic centers in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells
XH Wu, CR Elsass, A Abare, M Mack, S Keller, PM Petroff, SP DenBaars, ...
Applied Physics Letters 72 (6), 692-694, 1998
Effective band gap inhomogeneity and piezoelectric field in InGaN/GaN multiquantum well structures
SF Chichibu, AC Abare, MS Minsky, S Keller, SB Fleischer, JE Bowers, ...
Applied Physics Letters 73 (14), 2006-2008, 1998
Defect structure of metal‐organic chemical vapor deposition‐grown epitaxial (0001) GaN/Al2O3
XH Wu, LM Brown, D Kapolnek, S Keller, B Keller, SP DenBaars, ...
Journal of applied physics 80 (6), 3228-3237, 1996
High breakdown voltage achieved on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with integrated slant field plates
Y Dora, A Chakraborty, L Mccarthy, S Keller, SP DenBaars, UK Mishra
IEEE Electron Device Letters 27 (9), 713-715, 2006
Development of gallium-nitride-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes for energy-efficient lighting and displays
SP DenBaars, D Feezell, K Kelchner, S Pimputkar, CC Pan, CC Yen, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (3), 945-951, 2013
High breakdown voltage AlGaN-GaN HEMTs achieved by multiple field plates
H Xing, Y Dora, A Chini, S Heikman, S Keller, UK Mishra
IEEE Electron Device Letters 25 (4), 161-163, 2004
Electrical characterization of GaN junctions with and without threading dislocations
P Kozodoy, JP Ibbetson, H Marchand, PT Fini, S Keller, JS Speck, ...
Applied physics letters 73 (7), 975-977, 1998
AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors with InGaN back-barriers
T Palacios, A Chakraborty, S Heikman, S Keller, SP DenBaars, UK Mishra
IEEE Electron device letters 27 (1), 13-15, 2005
Growth of Fe doped semi-insulating GaN by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
S Heikman, S Keller, SP DenBaars, UK Mishra
Applied Physics Letters 81 (3), 439-441, 2002
Structural evolution in epitaxial metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown GaN films on sapphire
D Kapolnek, XH Wu, B Heying, S Keller, BP Keller, UK Mishra, ...
Applied Physics Letters 67 (11), 1541-1543, 1995
Very high breakdown voltage and large transconductance realized on GaN heterojunction field effect transistors
YF Wu, BP Keller, S Keller, D Kapolnek, P Kozodoy, SP Denbaars, ...
Applied physics letters 69 (10), 1438-1440, 1996
AlN/GaN and (Al, Ga) N/AlN/GaN two-dimensional electron gas structures grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy
IP Smorchkova, L Chen, T Mates, L Shen, S Heikman, B Moran, S Keller, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 90 (10), 5196-5201, 2001
High breakdown GaN HEMT with overlapping gate structure
NQ Zhang, S Keller, G Parish, S Heikman, SP DenBaars, UK Mishra
IEEE Electron Device Letters 21 (9), 421-423, 2000
Anisotropic epitaxial lateral growth in GaN selective area epitaxy
D Kapolnek, S Keller, R Vetury, RD Underwood, P Kozodoy, ...
Applied Physics Letters 71 (9), 1204-1206, 1997
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Articles 1–20