Mark Boneschanscher
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Cited by
Long-range orientation and atomic attachment of nanocrystals in 2D honeycomb superlattices
MP Boneschanscher, WH Evers, JJ Geuchies, T Altantzis, B Goris, ...
Science 344 (6190), 1377-1380, 2014
Suppression of electron–vibron coupling in graphene nanoribbons contacted via a single atom
J Van Der Lit, MP Boneschanscher, D Vanmaekelbergh, M Ijäs, A Uppstu, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2023, 2013
Quantitative atomic resolution force imaging on epitaxial graphene with reactive and nonreactive AFM probes
MP Boneschanscher, J Van Der Lit, Z Sun, I Swart, P Liljeroth, ...
ACS nano 6 (11), 10216-10221, 2012
Quantum-confined electronic states in atomically well-defined graphene nanostructures
SK Hämäläinen, Z Sun, MP Boneschanscher, A Uppstu, M Ijäs, A Harju, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (23), 236803, 2011
Quantitative atomic force microscopy with carbon monoxide terminated tips
Z Sun, MP Boneschanscher, I Swart, D Vanmaekelbergh, P Liljeroth
Physical review letters 106 (4), 046104, 2011
Quantitative structural analysis of binary nanocrystal superlattices by electron tomography
H Friedrich, CJ Gommes, K Overgaag, JD Meeldijk, WH Evers, B Nijs, ...
Nano letters 9 (7), 2719-2724, 2009
Structure and local variations of the graphene moiré on Ir (111)
SK Hämäläinen, MP Boneschanscher, PH Jacobse, I Swart, K Pussi, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (20), 201406, 2013
Sample corrugation affects the apparent bond lengths in atomic force microscopy
MP Boneschanscher, SK Hamalainen, P Liljeroth, I Swart
ACS nano 8 (3), 3006-3014, 2014
Conformal and atomic characterization of ultrathin CdSe platelets with a helical shape
EM Hutter, E Bladt, B Goris, F Pietra, JC Van Der Bok, ...
Nano letters 14 (11), 6257-6262, 2014
Electron tomography resolves a novel crystal structure in a binary nanocrystal superlattice
MP Boneschanscher, WH Evers, W Qi, JD Meeldijk, M Dijkstra, ...
Nano letters 13 (3), 1312-1316, 2013
Preparation and study of 2-D semiconductors with Dirac type bands due to the honeycomb nanogeometry
E Kalesaki, MP Boneschanscher, JJ Geuchies, C Delerue, CM Smith, ...
Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices III …, 2014
Bandes plates et cônes de Dirac dans des réseaux électroniques artificiels en nids d’abeilles
C Delerue, NAF Vergel, LC Post, A Tadjine, Y Lambert, F Vaurette, ...
34èmes Journées Surfaces & Interfaces, JSI 2020, 2020
Preparation and study of semiconductors with a honeycomb nanogeometry
C Delerue, E Kalesaki, MP Boneschanscher, JJ Geuchies, CM Smith, ...
International Conference on Fundamental Processes in Semiconductor …, 2014
Study of Two-Dimensional Materials with Honeycomb Geometry
MP Boneschanscher
Uitgeverij BOXPress, 2014
Dirac fermions and topological phases in honeycomb superlattices of semiconductor nanocrystals
C Delerue, E Kalesaki, MP Boneschanscher, JJ Geuchies, CM Smith, ...
Gordon Research Conference on Clusters, Nanocrystals & Nanostructures-From …, 2013
Artificial graphene superlattices made of semiconductor nanocrystals
E Kalesaki, MP Boneschanscher, JJ Geuchies, C Delerue, CM Smith, ...
Graphene Day, 2013
Graphène artificiel à fort couplage spin-orbite formé par auto-assemblage de nanocristaux de semiconducteurs
E Kalesaki, MP Boneschanscher, JJ Geuchies, C Delerue, CM Smith, ...
Réunion plénière du GDR 3325 CoDFT, 2013
Nanosession: Carbon‐Based Molecular Systems
C Meyer, K Goß, N Peica, S Smerat, M Leijnse, MR Wegewijs, C Thomsen, ...
Frontiers in Electronic Materials: A Collection of Extended Abstracts of the …, 2012
Nanosession: New Technologies for Scanning Probes
CR Ast, M Assig, M Etzkorn, M Eltschka, B Jäck, K Kern, ...
Frontiers in Electronic Materials: A Collection of Extended Abstracts of the …, 2012
Opto-Electronics of Semiconductor Hetero-Nanocrystals and Hetero-Nanocrystal Solids
D Vanmaekelbergh, M Casavola, F Pietra, D Grodzinska, WH Evers, ...
ECS Meeting Abstracts, 1332, 2011
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Articles 1–20