Luis Santos
Luis Santos
Professor for Theoretical Quantum Optics, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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The physics of dipolar bosonic quantum gases
T Lahaye, C Menotti, L Santos, M Lewenstein, T Pfau
Reports on Progress in Physics 72 (12), 126401, 2009
Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped dipolar gases
L Santos, GV Shlyapnikov, P Zoller, M Lewenstein
Physical Review Letters 85 (9), 1791, 2000
Quantum phases of dipolar bosons in optical lattices
K Góral, L Santos, M Lewenstein
Physical review letters 88 (17), 170406, 2002
Roton-maxon spectrum and stability of trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
L Santos, GV Shlyapnikov, M Lewenstein
Physical review letters 90 (25), 250403, 2003
Observation of dipole-dipole interaction in a degenerate quantum gas
J Stuhler, A Griesmaier, T Koch, M Fattori, T Pfau, S Giovanazzi, P Pedri, ...
Physical Review Letters 95 (15), 150406, 2005
Quantum-fluctuation-driven crossover from a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate to a macrodroplet in a dipolar quantum fluid
L Chomaz, S Baier, D Petter, MJ Mark, F Wächtler, L Santos, F Ferlaino
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041039, 2016
Observation of a dipolar quantum gas with metastable supersolid properties
L Tanzi, E Lucioni, F Famà, J Catani, A Fioretti, C Gabbanini, RN Bisset, ...
Physical review letters 122 (13), 130405, 2019
Cold atoms in non-Abelian gauge potentials: from the Hofstadter" Moth" to lattice gauge theory
K Osterloh, M Baig, L Santos, P Zoller, M Lewenstein
Physical review letters 95 (1), 010403, 2005
Evidence for coherent collective Rydberg excitation in the strong blockade regime
R Heidemann, U Raitzsch, V Bendkowsky, B Butscher, R Löw, L Santos, ...
Physical Review Letters 99 (16), 163601, 2007
Observation of phase fluctuations in elongated Bose-Einstein condensates
S Dettmer, D Hellweg, P Ryytty, JJ Arlt, W Ertmer, K Sengstock, DS Petrov, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (16), 160406, 2001
Atomic Bose and Anderson glasses in optical lattices
B Damski, J Zakrzewski, L Santos, P Zoller, M Lewenstein
Physical review letters 91 (8), 080403, 2003
Twin matter waves for interferometry beyond the classical limit
B Lücke, M Scherer, J Kruse, L Pezzé, F Deuretzbacher, P Hyllus, O Topic, ...
Science 334 (6057), 773-776, 2011
Two-dimensional bright solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
P Pedri, L Santos
Physical review letters 95 (20), 200404, 2005
Atomic Bose-Fermi mixtures in an optical lattice
M Lewenstein, L Santos, MA Baranov, H Fehrmann
Physical review letters 92 (5), 050401, 2004
Trapped two-dimensional condensates with synthetic spin-orbit coupling
S Sinha, R Nath, L Santos
Physical review letters 107 (27), 270401, 2011
Ground state and elementary excitations of single and binary Bose-Einstein condensates of trapped dipolar gases
K Góral, L Santos
Physical Review A 66 (2), 023613, 2002
Observation of roton mode population in a dipolar quantum gas
L Chomaz, RMW van Bijnen, D Petter, G Faraoni, S Baier, JH Becher, ...
Nature physics 14 (5), 442-446, 2018
Atomic quantum gases in Kagomé lattices
L Santos, MA Baranov, JI Cirac, HU Everts, H Fehrmann, M Lewenstein
Physical review letters 93 (3), 030601, 2004
Quantum filaments in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
F Wächtler, L Santos
Physical Review A 93 (6), 061603, 2016
Nonequilibrium quantum magnetism in a dipolar lattice gas
A De Paz, A Sharma, A Chotia, E Marechal, JH Huckans, P Pedri, ...
Physical review letters 111 (18), 185305, 2013
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Articles 1–20