Claire Z. Antoine
Claire Z. Antoine
CEA Saclay
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X-ray investigation of subsurface interstitial oxygen at Nb/oxide interfaces
M Delheusy, A Stierle, N Kasper, RP Kurta, A Vlad, H Dosch, C Antoine, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (10), 2008
International linear collider reference design report volume 2: physics at the ILC
A Djouadi, J Lykken, K Mönig, Y Okada, M Oreglia, S Yamashita
arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.1893, 2007
Tunneling study of cavity grade Nb: Possible magnetic scattering at the surface
T Proslier, JF Zasadzinski, L Cooley, C Antoine, J Moore, J Norem, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (21), 2008
Improved surface treatment of the superconducting TESLA cavities
L Lilje, C Antoine, C Benvenuti, D Bloess, JP Charrier, E Chiaveri, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
Materials and surface aspects in the development of SRF Niobium cavities; EuCARD Editorial Series on Accelerator Science and Technology,(JP. Koutchouk, RS Romaniuk, Editors …
C Antoine
Evidence for a large enrichment of interstitial oxygen atoms in the nanometer-thick metal layer at the NbO/Nb (110) interface
I Arfaoui, C Guillot, J Cousty, C Antoine
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (11), 9319-9323, 2002
Study of nanometric superconducting multilayers for RF field screening applications
CZ Antoine, JC Villegier, G Martinet
Applied Physics Letters 102 (10), 2013
Study of the chemical behavior of hydrofluoric, nitric and sulfuric acids mixtures applied to niobium polishing
A Aspart, CZ Antoine
Applied surface science 227 (1-4), 17-29, 2004
Characterization of superconducting nanometric multilayer samples for superconducting rf applications: First evidence of magnetic screening effect
CZ Antoine, S Berry, S Bouat, JF Jacquot, JC Villegier, G Lamura, ...
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 13 (12), 121001, 2010
Erratum to: Electromigration occurences and its effects on metallic surfaces submitted to high electromagnetic field: A novel approach to breakdown in accelerators
CZ Antoine, F Peauger, F Le Pimpec
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
Influence of crystalline structure on rf dissipation in superconducting niobium
CZ Antoine
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22 (3), 034801, 2019
Optimization of tailored multilayer superconductors for RF application and protection against premature vortex penetration
CZ Antoine, M Aburas, A Four, F Weiss, Y Iwashita, H Hayano, S Kato, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 32 (8), 085005, 2019
Improvement and protection of niobium surface superconductivity by atomic layer deposition and heat treatment
T Proslier, J Zasadzinski, J Moore, M Pellin, J Elam, L Cooley, C Antoine, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (19), 2008
Atomic-scale chemical analyses of niobium oxide/niobium interfaces via atom-probe tomography
KE Yoon, DN Seidman, C Antoine, P Bauer
Applied Physics Letters 93 (13), 2008
Morphological and chemical studies of Nb samples after various surface treatments
CZ Antoine, A Aspart, M Berthelot, JP Poupeau, F Valin, Y Gasser
SIS-2002-103, 1999
Aluminum and sulfur impurities in electropolishing baths
A Aspart, F Eozenou, C Antoine
Physica C: Superconductivity 441 (1-2), 249-253, 2006
Electron field emission from selectively contaminated cathodes
M Jimenez, RJ Noer, G Jouve, C Antoine, J Jodet, B Bonin
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 26 (9), 1503, 1993
XPS characterization of inserted mercury sulfide single layers in a Langmuir-Blodgett matrix
C Zylberajch-Antoine, A Barraud, H Roulet, G Dufour
Applied surface science 52 (4), 323-327, 1991
Electropolishing of niobium: best EP parameters
F Eozenou, A Aspart, C Antoine, B Malki
CARE Report-06-010-SRF, 2006
The role of atomic hydrogen in Q-degradation of niobium superconducting rf cavities: analytical point of view
CZ Antoine, B Aune, B Bonin, JM Cavedon, M Juillard, A Godin, C Henriot, ...
Proc. of 5th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 616-634, 1991
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Articles 1–20