Carlos Diuk
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Cited by
An object-oriented representation for efficient reinforcement learning
C Diuk, A Cohen, ML Littman
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, 240-247, 2008
Optimal behavioral hierarchy
A Solway, C Diuk, N Córdova, D Yee, AG Barto, Y Niv, MM Botvinick
PLOS Computational Biology 10 (8), e1003779, 2014
A neural signature of hierarchical reinforcement learning
JÚJF Ribas-Fernandes, A Solway, C Diuk, JT McGuire, AG Barto, Y Niv, ...
Neuron 71 (2), 370-379, 2011
Efficient structure learning in factored-state MDPs
AL Strehl, C Diuk, ML Littman
AAAI 7, 645-650, 2007
Exploring compact reinforcement-learning representations with linear regression
TJ Walsh, I Szita, C Diuk, ML Littman
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial …, 2009
The adaptive k-meteorologists problem and its application to structure learning and feature selection in reinforcement learning
C Diuk, L Li, BR Leffler
Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning …, 2009
Hierarchical learning induces two simultaneous, but separable, prediction errors in human basal ganglia
C Diuk, K Tsai, J Wallis, M Botvinick, Y Niv
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (13), 5797-5805, 2013
An adaptive anomaly detector for worm detection
JM Agosta, C Diuk-Wasser, J Chandrashekar, C Livadas
Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX workshop on Tackling computer systems problems …, 2007
Divide and conquer: hierarchical reinforcement learning and task decomposition in humans
C Diuk, A Schapiro, N Córdova, J Ribas-Fernandes, Y Niv, M Botvinick
Computational and Robotic Models of the Hierarchical Organization of …, 2013
A quantitative philology of introspection
CG Diuk, DF Slezak, I Raskovsky, M Sigman, GA Cecchi
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 6, 80, 2012
Generalizing apprenticeship learning across hypothesis classes
TJ Walsh, K Subramanian, ML Littman, C Diuk
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Conference on Machine …, 2010
A hierarchical approach to efficient reinforcement learning in deterministic domains
C Diuk, AL Strehl, ML Littman
Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2006
Compositional Policy Priors
D Wingate, C Diuk, T O'Donnell, J Tenenbaum, S Gershman
The emergence of the modern concept of introspection: a quantitative linguistic analysis
I Raskovsky, DF Slezak, CG Diuk, GA Cecchi
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on …, 2010
An object-oriented representation for efficient reinforcement learning
CGD Wasser
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick, 2010
Social Catalysts: Characterizing People Who Spark Conversations Among Others
M Saveski, F Kooti, S Morelli Vitousek, C Diuk, B Bartlett, LA Adamic
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW2), 1-20, 2021
Parsing Heuristic and Forward Search in First‐Graders' Game‐Play Behavior
L Paz, AP Goldin, C Diuk, M Sigman
Cognitive science 39 (5), 944-971, 2015
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
C Diuk, ML Littman
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 825-830, 2009
A hierarchical approach to efficient reinforcement learning
ML Littman, C Diuk, A Strehl
Proceedings of the ICML’05 Workshop on Rich Representations for …, 2005
Hierarchical reinforcement learning: an fMRI study of learning in a two-level gambling task
C Diuk, AG Barto, MB Botvinick, Y Niv
Soc Neurosci Abstr 36 (907.14), 2010
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Articles 1–20