Adriana Maria Zanforlin Martini
Adriana Maria Zanforlin Martini
Professor of Plant Ecology, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
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A hot-point within a hot-spot: a high diversity site in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest
AMZ Martini, P Fiaschi, AM Amorim, JL da Paixão
Biodiversity and Conservation 16 (11), 3111-3128, 2007
An attempt to predict which Amazonian tree species may be threatened by logging activities
Environmental Conservation 21 (2), 1994
Forest structure in a mosaic of rainforest sites: The effect of fragmentation and recovery after clear cut
D Faria, E Mariano-Neto, AMZ Martini, JV Ortiz, R Montingelli, S Rosso, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (11), 2226-2234, 2009
Contribution of agroforests to landscape carbon storage
G Schroth, LC Bede, AO Paiva, CR Cassano, AM Amorim, D Faria, ...
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 20 (7), 1175-1190, 2015
Habitat specialization and phylogenetic structure of tree species in a coastal Brazilian white-sand forest
AA de Oliveira, A Vicentini, J Chave, CT Castanho, SJ Davies, ...
Journal of Plant Ecology 7 (2), 134-144, 2014
Effects of distinct types of disturbance on seed rain in the Atlantic forest of NE Brazil
AMZ Martini, FAM Santos
Plant Ecology 190 (1), 81-95, 2007
Spatial structure of Aspidosperma polyneuron in two semi‐deciduous forests in Southeast Brazil
MG Fonseca, AMZ Martini, FAM dos Santos
Journal of Vegetation Science 15 (1), 41-48, 2004
Structure, diversity, and spatial patterns in a permanent plot of a high Restinga forest in Southeastern Brazil
RAF Lima, AA Oliveira, AMZ Martini, D Sampaio, VC Souza, ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica 25 (3), 633-645, 2011
Estrutura populacional de Euterpe edulis Mart. no sul da Bahia, Brasil
MGC Silva, AMZ Martini, QR Araújo
Brazilian Journal of Botany 32 (2), 393-403, 2009
Repeated disturbances and canopy disturbance regime in a tropical semi-deciduous forest
RAF de Lima, AMZ Martini, S Gandolfi, RR Rodrigues
Journal of Tropical Ecology 24 (1), 85, 2008
Espécies de árvores potencialmente ameaçadas pela atividade madeireira na Amazônia
A Martini, N de Araújo Rosa, C Uhl
IMAZON, Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia, 1998
Estrutura e composição da vegetação e chuva de sementes em sub-bosque, clareiras naturais e área perturbada por fogo em floresta tropical no sul da Bahia
AMZ Martini
Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2002
The need for full inventories of tree modes of disturbance to improve forest dynamics comprehension: An example from a semideciduous forest in Brazil
AMZ Martini, RAF Lima, GADC Franco, RR Rodrigues
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (5-6), 1479-1488, 2008
Ameaça à biodiversidade na Amazônia Oriental
C Uhl, O Bezerra, A Martini
Imazon, 1997
Improving methods in gap ecology: revisiting size and shape distributions using a model selection approach
RAF Lima, PI Prado, AMZ Martini, LJ Fonseca, S Gandolfi, RR Rodrigues
Journal of Vegetation Science 24 (3), 484-495, 2013
Ecologia na Restinga
NH Azevedo, AMZ Martini, AA Oliveira, DL Scarpa
Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências, 2014
Cluster planting facilitates survival but not growth in early development of restored tropical forest
R Bertoncello, AA Oliveira, KD Holl, MP Pansonato, AMZ Martini
Basic and Applied Ecology 17 (6), 489-496, 2016
Estrutura e dinâmica populacional de três espécies arbóreas tropicais
AMZ Martini
Dissertação de mestrado. Instituto de Biologia da Universidade Estadual de …, 1996
An ecosystem perspective on threats to biodiversity in eastern Amazonia, Pará State
C Uhl, O Bezerra, A Martini
Perspectives on Biodiversity: Case Studies of Genetic Resource Conservation …, 1993
Community structure of vascular plants in treefall gaps and fire-disturbed habitats in the Atlantic rainforest, southern Bahia, Brazil
AMZ Martini, FAM Santos, PI Prado, JG Jardim
Revista Brasileira de Botânica 30 (2), 303-313, 2007
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Artículos 1–20