Zhengyu Su
Cited by
Cited by
Optimal mass transport for shape matching and comparison
Z Su, Y Wang, R Shi, W Zeng, J Sun, F Luo, X Gu
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 37 (11), 2246 …, 2015
Area-preservation mapping using optimal mass transport
X Zhao, Z Su, XD Gu, A Kaufman, J Sun, J Gao, F Luo
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (12), 2838-2847, 2013
Spherical parameterization balancing angle and area distortions
S Nadeem, Z Su, W Zeng, A Kaufman, X Gu
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (6), 1663-1676, 2016
Area preserving brain mapping
Z Su, W Zeng, R Shi, Y Wang, J Sun, X Gu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013
Shape classification using Wasserstein distance for brain morphometry analysis
Z Su, W Zeng, Y Wang, ZL Lu, X Gu
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 24th International Conference …, 2015
Hyperbolic harmonic mapping for constrained brain surface registration
R Shi, W Zeng, Z Su, H Damasio, Z Lu, Y Wang, ST Yau, X Gu
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013
Hyperbolic harmonic mapping for surface registration
R Shi, W Zeng, Z Su, J Jiang, H Damasio, Z Lu, Y Wang, ST Yau, X Gu
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39 (5), 965-980, 2016
Optimal mass transport for geometric modeling based on variational principles in convex geometry
Z Su, J Sun, X Gu, F Luo, ST Yau
Engineering with Computers 30, 475-486, 2014
Hyperbolic harmonic brain surface registration with curvature-based landmark matching
R Shi, W Zeng, Z Su, Y Wang, H Damasio, Z Lu, ST Yau, X Gu
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 23rd International Conference …, 2013
Capacitated kinetic clustering in mobile networks by optimal transportation theory
CC Ni, Z Su, J Gao, XD Gu
IEEE INFOCOM 2016-The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2016
Colon surface registration using Ricci flow
W Zeng, R Shi, Z Su, DX Gu
Abdomen and Thoracic Imaging: An Engineering & Clinical Perspective, 389-419, 2014
Optimal mass transport and its applications
Z Su
The Graduate School, Stony Brook University: Stony Brook, NY., 2015
Efficient Topological Cleaning for Visual Colon Surface Flattening
W Zeng, R Shi, Z Su, DX Gu
Abdomen and Thoracic Imaging: An Engineering & Clinical Perspective, 421-441, 2014
An Isometry-Invariant Descriptor for Detection of Brain Surface Deformation Affected by Alzheimer’s Disease
L Mi, Z Su, X Gu, Y Wang
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Articles 1–14