Michele Fabrizio
Michele Fabrizio
International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA, Via Bonomea 265, I-34136, Trieste, Italy
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Cited by
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials and high-temperature superconductors: a non-equilibrium approach
C Giannetti, M Capone, D Fausti, M Fabrizio, F Parmigiani, D Mihailovic
Advances in Physics 65 (2), 58-238, 2016
Interacting one-dimensional electron gas with open boundaries
M Fabrizio, AO Gogolin
Physical Review B 51 (24), 17827, 1995
Strongly correlated superconductivity
M Capone, M Fabrizio, C Castellani, E Tosatti
Science 296 (5577), 2364-2366, 2002
Role of transverse hopping in a two-coupled-chains model
M Fabrizio
Physical Review B 48 (21), 15838, 1993
Time-dependent mean field theory for quench dynamics in correlated electron systems
M Schiró, M Fabrizio
Physical review letters 105 (7), 076401, 2010
From band insulator to Mott insulator in one dimension
M Fabrizio, AO Gogolin, AA Nersesyan
Physical review letters 83 (10), 2014, 1999
Localization and glassy dynamics of many-body quantum systems
G Carleo, F Becca, M Schiró, M Fabrizio
Scientific reports 2 (1), 243, 2012
Variational description of Mott insulators
M Capello, F Becca, M Fabrizio, S Sorella, E Tosatti
Physical review letters 94 (2), 026406, 2005
Colloquium: Modeling the unconventional superconducting properties of expanded fullerides
M Capone, M Fabrizio, C Castellani, E Tosatti
Reviews of Modern Physics 81 (2), 943-958, 2009
Orbital Occupancy Order in : Resonant X-Ray Scattering Results
L Paolasini, C Vettier, F De Bergevin, F Yakhou, D Mannix, A Stunault, ...
Physical review letters 82 (23), 4719, 1999
Real-time diagrammatic Monte Carlo for nonequilibrium quantum transport
M Schiró, M Fabrizio
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (15), 153302, 2009
High resolution X-ray resonant Raman scattering
P Carra, M Fabrizio, BT Thole
Physical review letters 74 (18), 3700, 1995
Quantum quenches in the Hubbard model: Time-dependent mean-field theory and the role of quantum fluctuations
M Schiró, M Fabrizio
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (16), 165105, 2011
Light-cone effect and supersonic correlations in one-and two-dimensional bosonic superfluids
G Carleo, F Becca, L Sanchez-Palencia, S Sorella, M Fabrizio
Physical Review A 89 (3), 031602, 2014
Nonmagnetic molecular jahn-teller mott insulators
M Fabrizio, E Tosatti
Physical Review B 55 (20), 13465, 1997
Strong-coupling phases of two Hubbard chains with interchain hopping
M Fabrizio, A Parola, E Tosatti
Physical Review B 46 (5), 3159, 1992
Dynamical behavior across the Mott transition of two bands with different bandwidths
M Ferrero, F Becca, M Fabrizio, M Capone
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (20), 205126, 2005
Critical properties of the double-frequency sine-Gordon model with applications
M Fabrizio, AO Gogolin, AA Nersesyan
Nuclear Physics B 580 (3), 647-687, 2000
Strongly correlated superconductivity and pseudogap phase near a multiband mott insulator
M Capone, M Fabrizio, C Castellani, E Tosatti
Physical review letters 93 (4), 047001, 2004
Superconductivity from doping a spin-liquid insulator: A simple one-dimensional example
M Fabrizio
Physical Review B 54 (14), 10054, 1996
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Articles 1–20