AkkeNeel Talsma
AkkeNeel Talsma
University of Michigan
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Influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing hospitalization for pneumonia in the elderly
DA Foster, AN Talsma, A Furumoto-Dawson, SE Ohmit, JR Margulies, ...
American journal of epidemiology 136 (3), 296-307, 1992
Patient-specific and surgical characteristics in the development of pressure ulcers
D Tschannen, O Bates, AN Talsma, Y Guo
American journal of critical care 21 (2), 116-125, 2012
An anesthesia information system designed to provide physician-specific feedback improves timely administration of prophylactic antibiotics
M O’Reilly, AN Talsma, S VanRiper, S Kheterpal, R Burney
Anesthesia & Analgesia 103 (4), 908-912, 2006
Effectiveness of the surgical safety checklist in correcting errors: a literature review applying Reason's Swiss cheese model
SJ Collins, R Newhouse, J Porter, AN Talsma
AORN journal 100 (1), 65-79. e5, 2014
Intraoperative risk factors associated with postoperative pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: a retrospective observational study
DD O’Brien, AM Shanks, AN Talsma, PS Brenner, SK Ramachandran
Critical care medicine 42 (1), 40-47, 2014
Development and testing of the barriers to cessation scale
CL Macnee, A Talsma
Nursing research 44 (4), 214-219, 1995
Predictors of progress in smoking cessation
CL Macnee, AN Talsma
Public health nursing 12 (4), 242-248, 1995
Medical practice-based influenza surveillance: viral prevalence and assessment of morbidity
AS Monto, SE Ohmit, JA Margulies, AN Talsma
American journal of epidemiology 141 (6), 502-506, 1995
Characterizing the structure of operating room staffing using social network analysis
C Anderson, AN Talsma
Nursing research 60 (6), 378-385, 2011
Identifying nursing processes to reduce failure to rescue
M Manojlovich, AN Talsma
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 37 (11), 504-509, 2007
Nursing surveillance moderates the relationship between staffing levels and pediatric postoperative serious adverse events: A nested case–control study
T Voepel-Lewis, E Pechlavanidis, C Burke, AN Talsma
International journal of nursing studies 50 (7), 905-913, 2013
Primary care providers’ perspectives on errors of omission
L Poghosyan, AA Norful, E Fleck, JM Bruzzese, AN Talsma, A Nannini
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 30 (6), 733-742, 2017
The perfect storm: Patient safety and nursing shortages within the context of health policy and evidence-based practice
AN Talsma, PA Grady, S Feetham, J Heinrich, DM Steinwachs
Nursing Research 57 (1), S15-S21, 2008
Mindful staffing: A qualitative description of charge nurses’ decision-making behaviors
DS Wilson, AN Talsma, K Martyn
Western journal of nursing research 33 (6), 805-824, 2011
Early adjuvant use of nonopioids associated with reduced odds of serious postoperative opioid adverse events and need for rescue in children
T Voepel‐Lewis, D Wagner, C Burke, AR Tait, J Hemberg, E Pechlivanidis, ...
Pediatric Anesthesia 23 (2), 162-169, 2013
Use of computerized ICU documentation to capture ICU core measures
WL Wahl, AN Talsma, C Dawson, S Dickinson, K Pennington, D Wilson, ...
Surgery 140 (4), 684-690, 2006
Nursing medication administration and workflow using computerized physician order entry
D Tschannen, A Talsma, N Reinemeyer, C Belt, R Schoville
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 29 (7), 401-410, 2011
Nurses' delivery of the tobacco tactics intervention at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center
AM Fore, CA Karvonen‐Gutierrez, AN Talsma, SA Duffy
Journal of Clinical Nursing 23 (15-16), 2162-2169, 2014
Improving the care and health of populations through optimal use of clinical nurse specialists
MF Tracy, S Oerther, C Arslanian-Engoren, S Girouard, P Minarik, ...
Nursing outlook 68 (4), 523-527, 2020
The relationship between nurse staffing and failure to rescue: where does it matter most?
AN Talsma, K Jones, Y Guo, D Wilson, DA Campbell
Journal of patient safety 10 (3), 133-139, 2014
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Articles 1–20