Carmen  Pérez-del-Pulgar Frowein
Carmen Pérez-del-Pulgar Frowein
UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
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Expanding the boundaries of justice in urban greening scholarship: toward an emancipatory, antisubordination, intersectional, and relational approach
I Anguelovski, AL Brand, JJT Connolly, E Corbera, P Kotsila, J Steil, ...
Annals of the American association of geographers 110 (6), 1743-1769, 2020
Green gentrification in European and North American cities
I Anguelovski, JJT Connolly, H Cole, M Garcia-Lamarca, M Triguero-Mas, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 3816, 2022
Urban green boosterism and city affordability: For whom is the ‘branded’green city?
M Garcia-Lamarca, I Anguelovski, H Cole, JJT Connolly, L Argüelles, ...
Urban studies 58 (1), 90-112, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic: power and privilege, gentrification, and urban environmental justice in the global north
HVS Cole, I Anguelovski, F Baró, M García-Lamarca, P Kotsila, ...
Cities & Health 5 (sup1), S71-S75, 2021
School greening: Right or privilege? Examining urban nature within and around primary schools through an equity lens
F Baró, DA Camacho, C Pérez-Del-Pulgar, M Triguero-Mas, I Anguelovski
Landscape and Urban Planning 208, 104019, 2021
Toward a green and playful city: Understanding the social and political production of children's relational wellbeing in Barcelona
C Pérez-del-Pulgar, I Anguelovski, J Connolly
Cities 96, 102438, 2020
Gentrification and health in two global cities: a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents
I Anguelovski, M Triguero-Mas, JJT Connolly, P Kotsila, G Shokry, ...
Cities & health 4 (1), 40-49, 2020
Urban green grabbing: Residential real estate developers discourse and practice in gentrifying Global North neighborhoods
M García-Lamarca, I Anguelovski, HVS Cole, JJT Connolly, ...
Geoforum 128, 1-10, 2022
Natural outdoor environments’ health effects in gentrifying neighborhoods: disruptive green landscapes for underprivileged neighborhood residents
M Triguero-Mas, I Anguelovski, M García-Lamarca, L Argüelles, ...
Social Science & Medicine, 113964, 2021
Gentrification pathways and their health impacts on historically marginalized residents in Europe and North America: Global qualitative evidence from 14 cities
I Anguelovski, HVS Cole, E O'Neill, F Baró, P Kotsila, F Sekulova, ...
Health & Place 72, 102698, 2021
Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities: the role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces
M Triguero-Mas, I Anguelovski, JJT Connolly, N Martin, A Matheney, ...
Environmental research letters 17 (10), 104035, 2022
The relationship between residential proximity to outdoor play spaces and children's mental and behavioral health: The importance of neighborhood socio-economic characteristics
C Pérez-del-Pulgar, I Anguelovski, HVS Cole, J De Bont, J Connolly, ...
Environmental Research 200, 111326, 2021
Adapting the Environmental Risk Transition Theory for Urban Health Inequities: An observational study examining complex environmental riskscapes in seven neighborhoods in …
HVS Cole, I Anguelovski, JJT Connolly, MG Lamarca, C Pérez-del-Pulgar, ...
Social Science & Medicine, 113907, 2021
Customers, users or citizens? Inclusion, spatial data and governance in the smart city
L Taylor, C Richter, S Jameson, C Perez de Pulgar
Inclusion, Spatial Data and Governance in the Smart City (June 9, 2016), 2016
GREEN TRAJECTORIES municipal policy trends and strategies for greening in Europe, Canada and United States (1990-2016)
JJ Connolly, T Trebic, I Anguelovski, E Wood, L Argüelles, F Baró, H Cole, ...
Barcelona: Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability …, 2018
From greening the climate-adaptive city to green climate gentrification? Civic perceptions of short-lived benefits and exclusionary protection in Boston, Philadelphia …
A Planas-Carbonell, I Anguelovski, E Oscilowicz, C Pérez-del-Pulgar, ...
Urban climate 48, 101295, 2023
Can Healthy Cities be made really healthy?
IA Helen Cole, Galia Shokry, James J T Connolly, Carmen Pérez-del-Pulgar ...
The Lancet Public Health 2 (9), 394-395, 2017
Grassroots mobilization for a just, green urban future: Building community infrastructure against green gentrification and displacement
E Oscilowicz, I Anguelovski, M García-Lamarca, HVS Cole, G Shokry, ...
Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-34, 2023
Nature-based climate solutions in European schools: a pioneering co-designed strategy towards urban resilience
F Baró, DA Camacho, C Perez del Pulgar, I Ruiz-Mallén, ...
Urban Resilience to the Climate Emergency: Unravelling the transformative …, 2022
A green capital for all?: Austerity, inequalities and green space in Bristol
A Matheney, C Pérez-del-Pulgar, G Shokry
The Green City and Social Injustice, 49-60, 2021
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Articles 1–20