giulia ferrini
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Cited by
Multimode entanglement in reconfigurable graph states using optical frequency combs
Y Cai, J Roslund, G Ferrini, F Arzani, X Xu, C Fabre, N Treps
Nature communications 8 (1), 15645, 2017
Applying the quantum approximate optimization algorithm to the tail-assignment problem
P Vikstål, M Grönkvist, M Svensson, M Andersson, G Johansson, G Ferrini
Physical Review Applied 14 (3), 034009, 2020
Improved success probability with greater circuit depth for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
A Bengtsson, P Vikstål, C Warren, M Svensson, X Gu, AF Kockum, ...
Physical Review Applied 14 (3), 034010, 2020
Full characterization of a highly multimode entangled state embedded in an optical frequency comb using pulse shaping
R Medeiros de Araújo, J Roslund, Y Cai, G Ferrini, C Fabre, N Treps
Physical Review A 89 (5), 053828, 2014
Number squeezing, quantum fluctuations, and oscillations in mesoscopic Bose Josephson junctions
G Ferrini, A Minguzzi, FWJ Hekking
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (2), 023606, 2008
Compact Gaussian quantum computation by multi-pixel homodyne detection
G Ferrini, JP Gazeau, T Coudreau, C Fabre, N Treps
New Journal of Physics 15 (9), 093015, 2013
Robust preparation of wigner-negative states with optimized snap-displacement sequences
M Kudra, M Kervinen, I Strandberg, S Ahmed, M Scigliuzzo, A Osman, ...
PRX Quantum 3 (3), 030301, 2022
Quantum networks generation based on four-wave mixing
Y Cai, J Feng, H Wang, G Ferrini, X Xu, J Jing, N Treps
Physical Review A 91, 013843, 2015
Universal Gate Set for Continuous-Variable Quantum Computation with Microwave Circuits
T Hillmann, F Quijandría, G Johansson, A Ferraro, S Gasparinetti, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (16), 160501, 2020
Continuous-Variable Instantaneous Quantum Computing is hard to sample
T Douce, D Markham, E Kashefi, E Diamanti, T Coudreau, P Milman, ...
Physical Review Letters 118, 070503, 2017
Optimal control of quantum superpositions in a bosonic Josephson junction
M Lapert, G Ferrini, D Sugny
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 023611, 2012
Noise in Bose Josephson junctions: Decoherence and phase relaxation
G Ferrini, D Spehner, A Minguzzi, FWJ Hekking
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (3), 033621, 2010
Polynomial approximation of non-Gaussian unitaries by counting one photon at a time
F Arzani, N Treps, G Ferrini
Physical Review A 95 (5), 052352, 2017
Continuous-variable sampling from photon-added or photon-subtracted squeezed states
U Chabaud, T Douce, D Markham, P Van Loock, E Kashefi, G Ferrini
Physical Review A 96 (6), 062307, 2017
Effect of phase noise on quantum correlations in Bose-Josephson junctions
G Ferrini, D Spehner, A Minguzzi, FWJ Hekking
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (4), 043628, 2011
Classical simulation of Gaussian quantum circuits with non-Gaussian input states
U Chabaud, G Ferrini, F Grosshans, D Markham
Physical Review Research 3 (3), 033018, 2021
Optimization of networks for measurement-based quantum computation
G Ferrini, J Roslund, F Arzani, Y Cai, C Fabre, N Treps
Physical Review A 91 (3), 032314, 2015
Efficient simulatability of continuous-variable circuits with large Wigner negativity
L García-Álvarez, C Calcluth, A Ferraro, G Ferrini
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043322, 2020
Gaussian conversion protocols for cubic phase state generation
Y Zheng, O Hahn, P Stadler, P Holmvall, F Quijandría, A Ferraro, G Ferrini
Physical Review X Quantum 2, 010327, 2021
Quantifying qubit magic resource with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill encoding
O Hahn, A Ferraro, L Hultquist, G Ferrini, L García-Álvarez
Physical Review Letters 128 (21), 210502, 2022
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Articles 1–20