Alexander Lück
Alexander Lück
PhD Student, Saarland University
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Cited by
Generalized method of moments for estimating parameters of stochastic reaction networks
A Lück, V Wolf
BMC systems biology 10 (1), 1-12, 2016
Stochastic hybrid models of gene regulatory networks–A PDE approach
P Kurasov, A Lück, D Mugnolo, V Wolf
Mathematical biosciences 305, 170-177, 2018
Hidden Markov modelling reveals neighborhood dependence of Dnmt3a and 3b activity
A Lück, P Giehr, K Nordström, J Walter, V Wolf
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 16 (5 …, 2019
A stochastic automata network description for spatial DNA-methylation models
A Lück, V Wolf
Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems: 20th …, 2020
A stochastic model for the formation of spatial methylation patterns
A Lück, P Giehr, J Walter, V Wolf
Computational Methods in Systems Biology: 15th International Conference …, 2017
A Hybrid HMM Approach for the Dynamics of DNA Methylation
C Kyriakopoulos, P Giehr, A Lück, J Walter, V Wolf
International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology, 117-131, 2019
Length regulation of microtubules by molecular motors: exact solution and density profiles
C Arita, A Lück, L Santen
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2015 (6), P06027, 2015
Replicated Computational Results (RCR) Report for “Automatic Moment-Closure Approximation of Spatially Distributed Collective Adaptive Systems”
A Lück
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 26 (4), 1-3, 2016
Generalized Method of Moments Estimation for Stochastic Models of DNA Methylation Patterns
A Lück, V Wolf
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.01174, 2019
Localization of a microtubule organizing center by kinesin motors
C Arita, J Bosche, A Lück, L Santen
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (12), 123210, 2017
Stochastic spatial modelling of DNA methylation patterns and moment-based parameter estimation
A Lück
Saarländische Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek, 2020
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Articles 1–11