George Holmes
George Holmes
Professor of Conservation and Society, University of Leeds
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Cited by
A global assessment of the social and conservation outcomes of protected areas
JA Oldekop, G Holmes, WE Harris, KL Evans
Conservation Biology 30 (1), 133-141, 2016
Half-Earth or Whole Earth? Radical ideas for conservation, and their implications
B Büscher, R Fletcher, D Brockington, C Sandbrook, WM Adams, ...
Oryx 51 (3), 407-410, 2017
Protection, politics and protest: understanding resistance to conservation
G Holmes
Conservation and society 5 (2), 184-201, 2007
An interdisciplinary review of current and future approaches to improving human–predator relations
S Pooley, M Barua, W Beinart, A Dickman, G Holmes, J Lorimer, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (3), 513-523, 2017
A review of the social impacts of neoliberal conservation: Formations, inequalities, contestations
G Holmes, CJ Cavanagh
Geoforum 75, 199-209, 2016
The global conservation movement is diverse but not divided
C Sandbrook, JA Fisher, G Holmes, R Luque-Lora, A Keane
Nature Sustainability 2 (4), 316-323, 2019
What is a land grab? Exploring green grabs, conservation, and private protected areas in southern Chile
G Holmes
Journal of Peasant Studies 41 (4), 547-567, 2014
Biodiversity for billionaires: Capitalism, conservation and the role of philanthropy in saving/selling nature
G Holmes
Development and change 43 (1), 185-203, 2012
Exploring the relationship between local support and the success of protected areas
G Holmes
Conservation and Society 11 (1), 72-82, 2013
Conservation's friends in high places: neoliberalism, networks, and the transnational conservation elite
G Holmes
Global Environmental Politics 11 (4), 1-21, 2011
Protected area co-management and perceived livelihood impacts
C Ward, LC Stringer, G Holmes
Journal of Environmental Management 228, 1-12, 2018
Understanding conservationists’ perspectives on the new‐conservation debate
G Holmes, C Sandbrook, JA Fisher
Conservation Biology 31 (2), 353-363, 2017
Defining the forest, defending the forest: Political ecology, territoriality, and resistance to a protected area in the Dominican Republic
G Holmes
Geoforum 53, 1-10, 2014
Markets, nature, neoliberalism, and conservation through private protected areas in southern Chile
G Holmes
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 47 (4), 850-866, 2015
Perceived barriers to and drivers of community participation in protected‐area governance
C Ward, G Holmes, L Stringer
Conservation Biology 32 (2), 437-446, 2018
Abandoning or reimagining a cultural heartland? Understanding and responding to rewilding conflicts in Wales-the case of the Cambrian Wildwood
S Wynne-Jones, G Strouts, G Holmes
Environmental Values 27 (4), 377-403, 2018
The rich, the powerful and the endangered: conservation elites, networks and the Dominican Republic
G Holmes
Antipode 42 (3), 624-646, 2010
What role do private protected areas have in conserving global biodiversity?
G Holmes
SRI working papers, 2013
Environmental impacts and scarcity perception influence local institutions in indigenous Amazonian Kichwa communities
JA Oldekop, AJ Bebbington, NK Truelove, G Holmes, S Villamarín, ...
Human Ecology 40, 101-115, 2012
The Patagonian imaginary: natural resources and global capitalism at the far end of the world
M Mendoza, R Fletcher, G Holmes, LA Ogden, C Schaeffer
Journal of Latin American Geography 16 (2), 93-116, 2017
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Articles 1–20