Vallis, GK
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Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics
GK Vallis
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Probing the fast and slow components of global warming by returning abruptly to preindustrial forcing
IM Held, M Winton, K Takahashi, T Delworth, F Zeng, GK Vallis
Journal of Climate 23 (9), 2418-2427, 2010
Generation of mean flows and jets on a beta plane and over topography
GK Vallis, ME Maltrud
Journal of physical oceanography 23, 1346-1346, 1993
A stratospheric influence on the winter NAO and North Atlantic surface climate
AA Scaife, JR Knight, GK Vallis, CK Folland
Geophys. Res. Lett 32 (18), L18, 2005
Energy spectra and coherent structures in forced two-dimensional and beta-plane turbulence
ME Maltrud, GK Vallis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 228, 321-342, 1991
Response of the large‐scale structure of the atmosphere to global warming
GK Vallis, P Zurita‐Gotor, C Cairns, J Kidston
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (690), 1479-1501, 2015
Turbulent diffusion in the geostrophic inverse cascade
KS Smith, G Boccaletti, CC Henning, I Marinov, CY Tam, IM Held, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 469, 13-48, 2002
A mechanism and simple dynamical model of the North Atlantic Oscillation and annular modes
GK Vallis, EP Gerber, PJ Kushner, BA Cash
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 61 (3), 264-280, 2004
Routes to energy dissipation for geostrophic flows in the Southern Ocean
M Nikurashin, GK Vallis, A Adcroft
Nature Geoscience 6 (1), 48-51, 2013
A theory of the interhemispheric meridional overturning circulation and associated stratification
M Nikurashin, G Vallis
Journal of Physical Oceanography 42 (10), 1652-1667, 2012
The scales and equilibration of midocean eddies: Freely evolving flow
KS Smith, GK Vallis
Journal of Physical Oceanography 31 (2), 554-571, 2001
Rossby number expansions, slaving principles, and balance dynamics
T Warn, O Bokhove, TG Shepherd, GK Vallis
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 121 (523), 723-739, 1995
El Niņo: A chaotic dynamical system?
GK Vallis
Science 232 (4747), 243-245, 1986
Large-scale circulation with small diapycnal diffusion: The two-thermocline limit
RM Samelson, GK Vallis
A theory of deep stratification and overturning circulation in the ocean
M Nikurashin, G Vallis
Journal of Physical Oceanography 41 (3), 485-502, 2011
The role of bottom vortex stretching on the path of the North Atlantic western boundary current and on the northern recirculation gyre
R Zhang, GK Vallis
Journal of Physical Oceanography 37 (8), 2053-2080, 2007
Mapping the energy cascade in the North Atlantic Ocean: The coarse-graining approach
H Aluie, M Hecht, GK Vallis
Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (2), 225-244, 2018
A boundary-value problem for the parameterized mesoscale eddy transport
R Ferrari, SM Griffies, AJG Nurser, GK Vallis
Ocean Modelling 32 (3-4), 143-156, 2010
Eddy–zonal flow interactions and the persistence of the zonal index
EP Gerber, GK Vallis
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 64 (9), 3296-3311, 2007
Large-scale circulation and production of stratification: Effects of wind, geometry, and diffusion
GK Vallis
Journal of Physical Oceanography 30 (5), 933-954, 2000
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Articles 1–20