Andrea Cohen
Andrea Cohen
Institute for Computer Science and Engineering (ICIC), CONICET-UNS
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A survey of different approaches to support in argumentation systems
A Cohen, S Gottifredi, AJ García, GR Simari
The Knowledge Engineering Review 29 (5), 513-550, 2014
An approach to abstract argumentation with recursive attack and support
A Cohen, S Gottifredi, AJ García, GR Simari
Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4), 509-533, 2015
Characterizing acceptability semantics of argumentation frameworks with recursive attack and support relations
S Gottifredi, A Cohen, AJ Garcia, GR Simari
Artificial Intelligence 262, 336-368, 2018
Dynamics in abstract argumentation frameworks with recursive attack and support relations
G Alfano, A Cohen, S Gottifredi, S Greco, F Parisi, GR Simari
IOS Press, 2020
Higher-order interactions (bipolar or not) in abstract argumentation: A state of the art
C Cayrol, A Cohen, MC Lagasquie Schiex
College Publications, 2021
A characterization of types of support between structured arguments and their relationship with support in abstract argumentation
A Cohen, S Parsons, EI Sklar, P McBurney
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 94, 76-104, 2018
Towards a new framework for recursive interactions in abstract bipolar argumentation
C Cayrol, A Cohen, M Lagasquie-Schiex
Computational Models of Argument, 191-198, 2016
Backing and undercutting in abstract argumentation frameworks
A Cohen, AJ García, GR Simari
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: 7th International …, 2012
Backing and undercutting in defeasible logic programming
A Cohen, AJ García, GR Simari
European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and …, 2011
On the acceptability semantics of argumentation frameworks with recursive attack and support
A Cohen, S Gottifredi, AJ García, GR Simari
Computational Models of Argument, 231-242, 2016
Joint attacks and accrual in argumentation frameworks
A Bikakis, A Cohen, W Dvorak, G Flouris, S Parsons
Journal of Applied Logics 8 (6), 1437-1501, 2021
A structured argumentation system with backing and undercutting
A Cohen, AJ García, GR Simari
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 49, 149-166, 2016
Extending DeLP with attack and support for defeasible rules
A Cohen, AJ Garcia, GR Simari
Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 90-99, 2010
Argumentative AI director using defeasible logic programming
RA Agis, A Cohen, DC Martínez
Workshop on Computer Games, 96-111, 2015
Herramientas para apoyar el descubrimiento de vocaciones en Ciencias de la Computación
SV Rueda, A Cohen, T Delladio, S Gottifredi, LH Tamargo
XX Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (Buenos Aires, 2014), 2014
An informant-based approach to argument strength in Defeasible Logic Programming
A Cohen, S Gottifredi, LH Tamargo, AJ García, GR Simari
Argument & Computation 12 (1), 115-147, 2021
A heuristic pruning technique for dialectical trees on argumentation-based query-answering systems
A Cohen, S Gottifredi, AJ García
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 13th International Conference, FQAS 2019 …, 2019
Credulous acceptance in high-order argumentation frameworks with necessities: An incremental approach
G Alfano, A Cohen, S Gottifredi, S Greco, F Parisi, GR Simari
Artificial Intelligence 333, 104159, 2024
Abstract argumentation frameworks with fallible evidence
K Skiba, M Thimm, A Cohen, S Gottifredi, AJ García
Computational Models of Argument, 347-354, 2020
Maximising goals achievement through abstract argumentation frameworks: An optimal approach
A Cohen, S Gottifredi, M Vallati, AJ Garcia, G Antoniou
Expert Systems with Applications 141, 112930, 2020
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Articles 1–20