Tariq Majeed
Tariq Majeed
Associate professor of Physics
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A pulsating auroral X-ray hot spot on Jupiter
GR Gladstone, JH Waite Jr, D Grodent, WS Lewis, FJ Crary, RF Elsner, ...
Nature 415 (6875), 1000-1003, 2002
Atmospheric Ultraviolet Radiance Integrated Code (AURIC): Theory, software architecture, inputs, and selected results
DJ Strickland, J Bishop, JS Evans, T Majeed, PM Shen, RJ Cox, R Link, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 62 (6), 689-742, 1999
New survey of electron impact cross sections for photoelectron and auroral electron energy loss calculations
T Majeed, DJ Strickland
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 26 (2), 335-349, 1997
Simultaneous Chandra X ray, Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet, and Ulysses radio observations of Jupiter's aurora
RF Elsner, N Lugaz, JH Waite Jr, TE Cravens, GR Gladstone, P Ford, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A1), 2005
Jupiter Thermospheric General Circulation Model (JTGCM): Global structure and dynamics driven by auroral and Joule heating
SW Bougher, JH Waite Jr, T Majeed, GR Gladstone
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 110 (E4), 2005
The upper ionospheres of Jupiter and Saturn
T Majeed, JC McConnell
Planetary and space science 39 (12), 1715-1732, 1991
Discovery of soft X-ray emission from Io, Europa, and the Io plasma torus
RF Elsner, GR Gladstone, JH Waite, FJ Crary, RR Howell, RE Johnson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 572 (2), 1077, 2002
On the relationship between the solar soft X ray flux and thermospheric nitric oxide: An update with an improved photoelectron model
DE Siskind, DJ Strickland, RR Meier, T Majeed, FG Eparvier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 100 (A10), 19687-19694, 1995
The ionospheres–thermospheres of the giant planets
T Majeed, JH Waite Jr, SW Bougher, RV Yelle, GR Gladstone, ...
Advances in Space Research 33 (2), 197-211, 2004
Vibrationally excited H2 in the outer planets thermosphere: Fluorescence in the Lyman and Werner bands
T Majeed, JC McConnell, RV Yelle
Planetary and space science 39 (11), 1591-1606, 1991
H3 + in the Jovian ionosphere
JC McConnell, T Majeed
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 92 (A8), 8570-8578, 1987
Voyager electron density measurements on Saturn: Analysis with a time dependent ionospheric model
T Majeed, JC McConnell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 101 (E3), 7589-7598, 1996
Spectroscopic evidence for high-altitude aurora at Jupiter from Galileo extreme ultraviolet spectrometer and Hopkins ultraviolet telescope observations
JM Ajello, DE Shemansky, WR Pryor, AI Stewart, KE Simmons, T Majeed, ...
Icarus 152 (1), 151-171, 2001
The ionosphere of Triton
T Majeed, JC McConnell, DP Strobel, ME Summers
Geophysical research letters 17 (10), 1721-1724, 1990
Processes of auroral thermal structure at Jupiter: Analysis of multispectral temperature observations with the Jupiter Thermosphere General Circulation Model
T Majeed, JH Waite, SW Bougher, GR Gladstone
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 114 (E7), 2009
First terrestrial soft X-ray auroral observation by the Chandra X-ray Observatory
A Bhardwaj, GR Gladstone, RF Elsner, N Østgaard, JH Waite Jr, ...
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 69 (1-2), 179-187, 2007
Spectro-imaging observations of Jupiter’s 2 μm auroral emission. II: Thermospheric winds
JY Chaufray, TK Greathouse, GR Gladstone, JH Waite Jr, JP Maillard, ...
Icarus 211 (2), 1233-1241, 2011
Multispectral observations of Jupiter's aurora
JH Waite Jr, D Grodent, BM Mauk, T Majeed, GR Gladstone, SJ Bolton, ...
Advances in Space Research 26 (10), 1453-1475, 2000
Processes of equatorial thermal structure at Jupiter: An analysis of the Galileo temperature profile with a three‐dimensional model
T Majeed, JH Waite Jr, SW Bougher, GR Gladstone
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 110 (E12), 2005
A comparison between auroral particle characteristics and atmospheric composition inferred from analyzing optical emission measurements alone and in combination with incoherent …
JH Hecht, AB Christensen, DJ Strickland, T Majeed, RL Gattinger, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A1), 33-44, 1999
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