Morteza Dehghani
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Cited by
Moralization in social networks and the emergence of violence during protests
M Mooijman, J Hoover, Y Lin, H Ji, M Dehghani
Nature human behaviour 2 (6), 389-396, 2018
Purity homophily in social networks
M Dehghani, KM Johnson, J Hoover, E Sagi, J Garten, NJ Parmar, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2016
Moral foundations twitter corpus: A collection of 35k tweets annotated for moral sentiment
J Hoover, G Portillo-Wightman, L Yeh, S Havaldar, AM Davani, Y Lin, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (8), 1057-1071, 2020
Dictionaries and distributions: Combining expert knowledge and large scale textual data content analysis: Distributed dictionary representation
J Garten, J Hoover, KM Johnson, R Boghrati, C Iskiwitch, M Dehghani
Behavior research methods 50, 344-361, 2018
Resisting temptation for the good of the group: Binding moral values and the moralization of self-control.
M Mooijman, P Meindl, D Oyserman, J Monterosso, M Dehghani, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 115 (3), 585, 2018
Morality beyond the WEIRD: How the nomological network of morality varies across cultures.
M Atari, J Haidt, J Graham, S Koleva, ST Stevens, M Dehghani
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
Automated text analysis in psychology: Methods, applications, and future developments
R Iliev, M Dehghani, E Sagi
Language and cognition 7 (2), 265-290, 2015
Sacred values and conflict over Iran’s nuclear program
M Dehghani, S Atran, R Iliev, S Sachdeva, D Medin, J Ginges
Judgment and Decision making 5 (7), 540-546, 2010
Measuring moral rhetoric in text
E Sagi, M Dehghani
Social science computer review 32 (2), 132-144, 2014
Contextualizing hate speech classifiers with post-hoc explanation
B Kennedy, X Jin, AM Davani, M Dehghani, X Ren
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02439, 2020
Introducing the Gab Hate Corpus: defining and applying hate-based rhetoric to social media posts at scale
B Kennedy, M Atari, AM Davani, L Yeh, A Omrani, Y Kim, K Coombs, ...
Language Resources and Evaluation, 1-30, 2022
Sex differences in moral judgements across 67 countries
M Atari, MHC Lai, M Dehghani
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1937), 20201201, 2020
An Integrated Reasoning Approach to Moral Decision-Making.
M Dehghani, E Tomai, KD Forbus, M Klenk
AAAI, 1280-1286, 2008
Morality between the lines: Detecting moral sentiment in text
J Garten, R Boghrati, J Hoover, KM Johnson, M Dehghani
Proceedings of IJCAI 2016 workshop on Computational Modeling of Attitudes, 2016
Closing the gender gap in STEM with friendly male instructors? On the effects of rapport behavior and gender of a virtual agent in an instructional interaction
NC Krämer, B Karacora, G Lucas, M Dehghani, G Rüther, J Gratch
Computers & Education 99, 1-13, 2016
Moral foundations dictionary for linguistic analyses 2.0
JA Frimer, R Boghrati, J Haidt, J Graham, M Dehgani
Unpublished manuscript, 2019
Decoding the neural representation of story meanings across languages
M Dehghani, R Boghrati, K Man, J Hoover, SI Gimbel, A Vaswani, ...
Human brain mapping 38 (12), 6096-6106, 2017
Processing narratives concerning protected values: A cross-cultural investigation of neural correlates
JT Kaplan, SI Gimbel, M Dehghani, MH Immordino-Yang, K Sagae, ...
Cerebral Cortex 27 (2), 1428-1438, 2017
Foundations of morality in Iran
M Atari, J Graham, M Dehghani
Evolution and Human Behavior 41 (5), 367-384, 2020
Acquiring background knowledge to improve moral value prediction
Y Lin, J Hoover, G Portillo-Wightman, C Park, M Dehghani, H Ji
2018 ieee/acm international conference on advances in social networks …, 2018
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Articles 1–20