Harry Warren
Harry Warren
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The transition region and coronal explorer
BN Handy, LW Acton, CC Kankelborg, CJ Wolfson, DJ Akin, ME Bruner, ...
Solar Physics 187, 229-260, 1999
Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Overview of Science Objectives, Instrument Design, Data Products …
TN Woods, FG Eparvier, R Hock, AR Jones, D Woodraska, D Judge, ...
The solar dynamics observatory, 115-143, 2012
A new view of the solar outer atmosphere by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
CJ Schrijver, AM Title, TE Berger, L Fletcher, NE Hurlburt, RW Nightingale, ...
Solar Physics 187, 261-302, 1999
Time variability of the “quiet” sun observed with TRACE. II. Physical parameters, temperature evolution, and energetics of extreme-ultraviolet nanoflares
MJ Aschwanden, TD Tarbell, RW Nightingale, CJ Schrijver, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 535 (2), 1047, 2000
A systematic survey of high-temperature emission in solar active regions
HP Warren, AR Winebarger, DH Brooks
The Astrophysical Journal 759 (2), 141, 2012
New solar extreme-ultraviolet irradiance observations during flares
TN Woods, R Hock, F Eparvier, AR Jones, PC Chamberlin, JA Klimchuk, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 739 (2), 59, 2011
Flows and nonthermal velocities in solar active regions observed with the EUV imaging spectrometer on Hinode: a tracer of active region sources of heliospheric magnetic fields?
GA Doschek, HP Warren, JT Mariska, K Muglach, JL Culhane, H Hara, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 686 (2), 1362, 2008
Transition region and coronal explorer and soft X-ray telescope active region loop observations: Comparisons with static solutions of the hydrodynamic equations
AR Winebarger, HP Warren, JT Mariska
The Astrophysical Journal 587 (1), 439, 2003
Steady flows detected in extreme-ultraviolet loops
AR Winebarger, H Warren, A van Ballegooijen, EE DeLuca, L Golub
The Astrophysical Journal 567 (1), L89, 2002
Full-Sun observations for identifying the source of the slow solar wind
DH Brooks, I Ugarte-Urra, HP Warren
Nature Communications 6 (1), 5947, 2015
A new view of the solar corona from the transition region and coronal explorer (TRACE)
L Golub, J Bookbinder, E DeLuca, M Karovska, H Warren, CJ Schrijver, ...
Physics of Plasmas 6 (5), 2205-2216, 1999
Evolving active region loops observed with the transition region and coronal explorer. II. Time-dependent hydrodynamic simulations
HP Warren, AR Winebarger, JT Mariska
The Astrophysical Journal 593 (2), 1174, 2003
Hydrodynamic modeling of active region loops
HP Warren, AR Winebarger, PS Hamilton
The Astrophysical Journal 579 (1), L41, 2002
Morphology of the quiet solar upper atmosphere in the 4× 104< Te< 1.4× 106 K temperature regime
U Feldman, KG Widing, HP Warren
The Astrophysical Journal 522 (2), 1133, 1999
Spectroscopic observations of current sheet formation and evolution
HP Warren, DH Brooks, I Ugarte-Urra, JW Reep, NA Crump, GA Doschek
The Astrophysical Journal 854 (2), 122, 2018
Global energetics of solar flares. V. Energy closure in flares and coronal mass ejections
MJ Aschwanden, A Caspi, CMS Cohen, G Holman, J Jing, M Kretzschmar, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 836 (1), 17, 2017
Evolving active region loops observed with the transition region and coronal explorer. I. Observations
AR Winebarger, HP Warren, DB Seaton
The Astrophysical Journal 593 (2), 1164, 2003
Using a differential emission measure and density measurements in an active region core to test a steady heating model
AR Winebarger, JT Schmelz, HP Warren, SH Saar, VL Kashyap
The Astrophysical Journal 740 (1), 2, 2011
Constraints on the heating of high-temperature active region loops: observations from Hinode and the Solar Dynamics Observatory
HP Warren, DH Brooks, AR Winebarger
The Astrophysical Journal 734 (2), 90, 2011
The origin of postflare loops
NR Sheeley Jr, HP Warren, YM Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 616 (2), 1224, 2004
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Articles 1–20