Eduardo A. B. da Silva
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on performance metrics for object-detection algorithms
R Padilla, SL Netto, EAB Da Silva
2020 international conference on systems, signals and image processing …, 2020
Digital signal processing: system analysis and design
PSR Diniz, EAB Da Silva, SL Netto
Cambridge University Press, 2010
A comparative analysis of object detection metrics with a companion open-source toolkit
R Padilla, WL Passos, TLB Dias, SL Netto, EAB Da Silva
Electronics 10 (3), 279, 2021
No-reference blur assessment of digital pictures based on multifeature classifiers
A Ciancio, EAB da Silva, A Said, R Samadani, P Obrador
IEEE Transactions on image processing 20 (1), 64-75, 2010
Processamento digital de sinais-: Projeto e análise de sistemas
PSR Diniz, EAB da Silva, SL Netto
Bookman Editora, 2014
The compression of electric signal waveforms for smart grids: State of the art and future trends
MP Tcheou, L Lovisolo, MV Ribeiro, EAB Da Silva, MAM Rodrigues, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (1), 291-302, 2013
A successive approximation vector quantizer for wavelet transform image coding
EAB Da Silva, DG Sampson, M Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5 (2), 299-310, 1996
Multiscale image fusion using the undecimated wavelet transform with spectral factorization and nonorthogonal filter banks
A Ellmauthaler, CL Pagliari, EAB Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on image processing 22 (3), 1005-1017, 2012
Light field HEVC-based image coding using locally linear embedding and self-similarity compensated prediction
R Monteiro, L Lucas, C Conti, P Nunes, N Rodrigues, S Faria, C Pagliari, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-4, 2016
Improved similarity-based modeling for the classification of rotating-machine failures
MA Marins, FML Ribeiro, SL Netto, EAB Da Silva
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (4), 1913-1930, 2018
On the performance of linear phase wavelet transforms in low bit-rate image coding
EAB da Silva, M Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5 (5), 689-704, 1996
Efficient coherent adaptive representations of monitored electric signals in power systems using damped sinusoids
L Lovisolo, EAB da Silva, MAM Rodrigues, PSR Diniz
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (10), 3831-3846, 2005
Fault detection and classification in oil wells and production/service lines using random forest
MA Marins, BD Barros, IH Santos, DC Barrionuevo, REV Vargas, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 197, 107879, 2021
Multidimensional signal compression using multiscale recurrent patterns
MB De Carvalho, EAB Da Silva, WA Finamore
Signal processing 82 (11), 1559-1580, 2002
Uniform distribution of points on a hyper-sphere with applications to vector bit-plane encoding
L Lovisolo, EAB Da Silva
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 148 (3), 187-193, 2001
A 4D DCT-based lenslet light field codec
MB de Carvalho, MP Pereira, G Alves, EAB da Silva, CL Pagliari, ...
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 435-439, 2018
Variational methods for machine learning with applications to deep networks
LP Cinelli, MA Marins, EAB Da Silva, SL Netto
Springer, 2021
Locally linear embedding-based prediction for 3D holoscopic image coding using HEVC
LFR Lucas, C Conti, P Nunes, LD Soares, NMM Rodrigues, CL Pagliari, ...
2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 11-15, 2014
On dictionary adaptation for recurrent pattern image coding
NMM Rodrigues, EAB da Silva, MB de Carvalho, SMM de Faria, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 (9), 1640-1653, 2008
A novel iterative calibration approach for thermal infrared cameras
A Ellmauthaler, EAB da Silva, CL Pagliari, JN Gois, SR Neves
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2182-2186, 2013
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Articles 1–20