Hugo Terças
Hugo Terças
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear
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Spin-orbit coupling for photons and polaritons in microstructures
VG Sala, DD Solnyshkov, I Carusotto, T Jacqmin, A Lemaître, H Terças, ...
Physical Review X 5 (1), 011034, 2015
Spin-orbit coupling and the optical spin hall effect in photonic graphene
AV Nalitov, G Malpuech, H Terças, DD Solnyshkov
Physical review letters 114 (2), 026803, 2015
Non-Abelian gauge fields in photonic cavities and photonic superfluids
H Terças, H Flayac, DD Solnyshkov, G Malpuech
Physical review letters 112 (6), 066402, 2014
Collective oscillations in ultracold atomic gas
JT Mendonça, R Kaiser, H Terças, J Loureiro
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (1), 013408, 2008
Physics of ultra-cold matter: atomic clouds, Bose-Einstein condensates and Rydberg plasmas
JT Mendonça, H Terças
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Vortex chain in a resonantly pumped polariton superfluid
T Boulier, H Terças, DD Solnyshkov, Q Glorieux, E Giacobino, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9230, 2015
Hybrid Boltzmann–Gross-Pitaevskii theory of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity in open driven-dissipative systems
DD Solnyshkov, H Terças, K Dini, G Malpuech
Physical Review A 89 (3), 033626, 2014
Quantum dark solitons as qubits in Bose-Einstein condensates
MI Shaukat, EV Castro, H Terças
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053618, 2017
Axion-plasmon polaritons in strongly magnetized plasmas
H Terças, JD Rodrigues, JT Mendonça
Physical Review Letters 120 (18), 181803, 2018
Topological wigner crystal of half-solitons in a spinor bose-einstein condensate
H Terças, DD Solnyshkov, G Malpuech
Physical review letters 110 (3), 035303, 2013
Subnanokelvin thermometry of an interacting -dimensional homogeneous Bose gas
MM Khan, M Mehboudi, H Terças, M Lewenstein, MA Garcia-March
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023191, 2022
Entanglement sudden death and revival in quantum dark-soliton qubits
MI Shaukat, EV Castro, H Terças
Physical Review A 98 (2), 022319, 2018
Dust charging processes with a Cairns-Tsallis distribution function with negative ions
SM A. A. Abid, M. Z. Khan, S. L. Yap, H. Terças
Physics of Plasmas 23, 013706, 2016
Terahertz laser combs in graphene field-effect transistors
P Cosme, H Terças
ACS Photonics 7 (6), 1375-1381, 2020
Driven collective instabilities in magneto-optical traps: A fluid-dynamical approach
H Terças, JT Mendonça, R Kaiser
Europhysics Letters 89 (5), 53001, 2010
Hydrodynamical study of terahertz emission in magnetized graphene field-effect transistors
P Cosme, H Terças
Applied Physics Letters 118 (13), 2021
Quantum dynamics of a Bose polaron in a -dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate
MM Khan, H Terças, JT Mendonça, J Wehr, C Charalambous, ...
Physical Review A 103 (2), 023303, 2021
Axion production in unstable magnetized plasmas
JT Mendonça, JD Rodrigues, H Terças
Physical Review D 101 (5), 051701, 2020
Quantum thermal machines driven by vacuum forces
H Terças, S Ribeiro, M Pezzutto, Y Omar
Physical Review E 95 (2), 022135, 2017
Optical amplifier based on guided polaritons in GaN and ZnO
DD Solnyshkov, H Terças, G Malpuech
Applied Physics Letters 105 (23), 2014
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Articles 1–20