Fabian Friederich
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Cited by
THz active imaging systems with real-time capabilities
F Friederich, W Von Spiegel, M Bauer, F Meng, MD Thomson, S Boppel, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 1 (1), 183-200, 2011
Laser measurements to space debris from Graz SLR station
G Kirchner, F Koidl, F Friederich, I Buske, U Völker, W Riede
Advances in space research 51 (1), 21-24, 2013
Terahertz quality inspection for automotive and aviation industries
F Ellrich, M Bauer, N Schreiner, A Keil, T Pfeiffer, J Klier, S Weber, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 41, 470-489, 2020
Nondestructive testing potential evaluation of a terahertz frequency-modulated continuous-wave imager for composite materials inspection
E Cristofani, F Friederich, S Wohnsiedler, C Matheis, J Jonuscheit, ...
Optical Engineering 53 (3), 031211-031211, 2014
Three-dimensional terahertz imaging with sparse multistatic line arrays
B Baccouche, P Agostini, S Mohammadzadeh, M Kahl, C Weisenstein, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23 (4), 1-11, 2017
Phase-locking of the beat signal of two distributed-feedback diode lasers to oscillators working in the MHz to THz range
F Friederich, G Schuricht, A Deninger, F Lison, G Spickermann, ...
Optics express 18 (8), 8621-8629, 2010
Terahertz radome inspection
F Friederich, KH May, B Baccouche, C Matheis, M Bauer, J Jonuscheit, ...
Photonics 5 (1), 1, 2018
Multilayer thickness measurements below the Rayleigh limit using FMCW millimeter and terahertz waves
NS Schreiner, W Sauer-Greff, R Urbansky, G von Freymann, F Friederich
Sensors 19 (18), 3910, 2019
Fast FMCW terahertz imaging for in-process defect detection in press sleeves for the paper industry and image evaluation with a machine learning approach
M Bauer, R Hussung, C Matheis, H Reichert, P Weichenberger, J Beck, ...
Sensors 21 (19), 6569, 2021
Coded-aperture computational millimeter-wave image classifier using convolutional neural network
R Sharma, R Hussung, A Keil, F Friederich, T Fromenteze, M Khalily, ...
IEEE access 9, 119830-119844, 2021
A sparse array based sub-terahertz imaging system for volume inspection
B Baccouche, A Keil, M Kahl, PH Bolivar, T Loeffler, J Jonuscheit, ...
2015 European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 438-441, 2015
Continuous wave terahertz inspection of glass fiber reinforced plastics with semi-automatic 3-D image processing for enhanced defect detection
F Friederich, E Cristofani, C Matheis, J Jonuscheit, R Beigang, ...
2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014), 1-4, 2014
Handheld millimeter wave imaging system based on a two-dimensional multistatic sparse array
R Hussung, A Keil, F Friederich
2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz …, 2020
High signal-to-noise-ratio electro-optical terahertz imaging system based on an optical demodulating detector array
G Spickermann, F Friederich, HG Roskos, PH Bolívar
Optics letters 34 (21), 3424-3426, 2009
High-resolution FMCW millimeter-wave and terahertz thickness measurements
NS Schreiner, B Baccouche, W Sauer-Greff, R Urbansky, F Friederich
2017 47th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 1187-1190, 2017
Extreme Ultra‐Wideband Optoelectronic Frequency‐Modulated Continuous‐Wave Terahertz Radar
S Mohammadzadeh, A Keil, M Kocybik, LM Schwenson, L Liebermeister, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 17 (11), 2300396, 2023
Terahertz non-destructive testing of the Mica insulation of power generator bars in FMCW measurements with a dielectric waveguide antenna
M Bauer, C Matheis, A Mashkin, S Krane, F Pohlmann, F Friederich
2021 51st European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 805-808, 2022
Terahertz and millimeter wave sensing and applications
M Bauer, F Friederich
Sensors 22 (24), 9693, 2022
Design of a quasioptical scanning system for a fast mobile FMCW terahertz imaging system
S Mohammadzadeh, F Friederich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1537 (1), 012017, 2020
Laser based observation of space debris: Taking benefits from the fundamental wave
U Voelker, F Friederich, I Buske, D Hampf, W Riede, A Giesen
6th European Conference on Space Debris, 2013
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Articles 1–20