Andrew Finch
Cited by
Cited by
Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap
L Barack, V Cardoso, S Nissanke, TP Sotiriou, A Askar, C Belczynski, ...
Classical and quantum gravity 36 (14), 143001, 2019
Neural machine translation with supervised attention
L Liu, M Utiyama, A Finch, E Sumita
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.04186, 2016
Using machine translation evaluation techniques to determine sentence-level semantic equivalence
A Finch, YS Hwang, E Sumita
Proceedings of the third international workshop on paraphrasing (IWP2005), 2005
Agreement on target-bidirectional neural machine translation
L Liu, M Utiyama, A Finch, E Sumita
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2016
Sentence embedding for neural machine translation domain adaptation
R Wang, A Finch, M Utiyama, E Sumita
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2017
Matching delaunay graphs
AM Finch, RC Wilson, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 30 (1), 123-140, 1997
Symbolic graph matching with the EM algorithm
AM Finch, RC Wilson, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 31 (11), 1777-1790, 1998
Introducing the Asian language treebank (ALT)
YK Thu, WP Pa, M Utiyama, A Finch, E Sumita
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Dynamic model interpolation for statistical machine translation
A Finch, E Sumita
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 208-215, 2008
Phrase-based machine transliteration
A Finch, E Sumita
Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies and Corpora for Asia-Pacific …, 2008
Sentence selection and weighting for neural machine translation domain adaptation
R Wang, M Utiyama, A Finch, L Liu, K Chen, E Sumita
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 26 (10 …, 2018
An energy function and continuous edit process for graph matching
AM Finch, RC Wilson, ER Hancock
Neural Computation 10 (7), 1873-1894, 1998
The NiCT-ATR Statistical Machine Translation System for IWSLT 2006
R Zhang, H Yamamoto, M Paul, H Okuma, K Yasuda, Y Lepage, ...
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Spoken Language …, 2006
Target-bidirectional neural models for machine transliteration
A Finch, L Liu, X Wang, E Sumita
Proceedings of the sixth named entity workshop, 78-82, 2016
A Bayesian model of bilingual segmentation for transliteration
A Finch, E Sumita
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) 2010, 2010
Agreement on target-bidirectional LSTMs for sequence-to-sequence learning
L Liu, A Finch, M Utiyama, E Sumita
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016
How to choose the best pivot language for automatic translation of low-resource languages
M Paul, A Finch, E Sumita
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 12 (4), 1-17, 2013
The 3+ 1 formalism in teleparallel and symmetric teleparallel gravity
S Capozziello, A Finch, JL Said, A Magro
The European Physical Journal C 81 (12), 1-17, 2021
Khmer word segmentation using conditional random fields
V Chea, YK Thu, C Ding, M Utiyama, A Finch, E Sumita
Khmer Natural Language Processing, 62-69, 2015
Transliteration using a phrase-based statistical machine translation system to re-score the output of a joint multigram model
A Finch, E Sumita
Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop, 48-52, 2010
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Articles 1–20