Moritz Langer
Moritz Langer
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Earth Sciences
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Baseline characteristics of climate, permafrost and land cover from a new permafrost observatory in the Lena River Delta, Siberia (1998–2011)
J Boike, B Kattenstroth, K Abramova, N Bornemann, A Chetverova, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (3), 2105-2128, 2013
Fast response of cold ice-rich permafrost in northeast Siberia to a warming climate
J Nitzbon, S Westermann, M Langer, LCP Martin, J Strauss, S Laboor, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2201, 2020
Small ponds with major impact: The relevance of ponds and lakes in permafrost landscapes to carbon dioxide emissions
A Abnizova, J Siemens, M Langer, J Boike
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26 (2), 2012
SMOS prototype algorithm for detecting autumn soil freezing
K Rautiainen, T Parkkinen, J Lemmetyinen, M Schwank, A Wiesmann, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 180, 346-360, 2016
Simulating the thermal regime and thaw processes of ice-rich permafrost ground with the land-surface model CryoGrid 3
S Westermann, M Langer, J Boike, M Heikenfeld, M Peter, B Etzelmüller, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (2), 523-546, 2016
Spatial and temporal variations of summer surface temperatures of high-arctic tundra on Svalbard—Implications for MODIS LST based permafrost monitoring
S Westermann, M Langer, J Boike
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (3), 908-922, 2011
Modeling the impact of wintertime rain events on the thermal regime of permafrost
S Westermann, J Boike, M Langer, TV Schuler, B Etzelmüller
The Cryosphere 5 (4), 945-959, 2011
The annual surface energy budget of a high-arctic permafrost site on Svalbard, Norway
S Westermann, J Lüers, M Langer, K Piel, J Boike
The Cryosphere 3 (2), 245-263, 2009
Simulating high-latitude permafrost regions by the JSBACH terrestrial ecosystem model
A Ekici, C Beer, S Hagemann, J Boike, M Langer, C Hauck
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (2), 631-647, 2014
Subpixel heterogeneity of ice-wedge polygonal tundra: a multi-scale analysis of land cover and evapotranspiration in the Lena River Delta, Siberia
S Muster, M Langer, B Heim, S Westermann, J Boike
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 64 (1), 17301, 2012
Satellite-based modeling of permafrost temperatures in a tundra lowland landscape
M Langer, S Westermann, M Heikenfeld, W Dorn, J Boike
Remote Sensing of Environment 135, 12-24, 2013
A 16-year record (2002–2017) of permafrost, active-layer, and meteorological conditions at the Samoylov Island Arctic permafrost research site, Lena River delta, northern …
J Boike, J Nitzbon, K Anders, M Grigoriev, D Bolshiyanov, M Langer, ...
Earth System Science Data 11 (1), 261-299, 2019
Spatial and temporal variations of summer surface temperatures of wet polygonal tundra in Siberia-implications for MODIS LST based permafrost monitoring
M Langer, S Westermann, J Boike
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (9), 2059-2069, 2010
The surface energy balance of a polygonal tundra site in northern Siberia–Part 1: Spring to fall
M Langer, S Westermann, S Muster, K Piel, J Boike
The Cryosphere 5 (1), 151-171, 2011
Heat stored in the Earth system 1960–2020: where does the energy go?
K Von Schuckmann, A Miničre, F Gues, FJ Cuesta-Valero, G Kirchengast, ...
Earth System Science Data 15 (4), 1675-1709, 2023
Systematic bias of average winter-time land surface temperatures inferred from MODIS at a site on Svalbard, Norway
S Westermann, M Langer, J Boike
Remote Sensing of Environment 118, 162-167, 2012
Satellite-derived changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000–2011: Wetting, drying, and fires
J Boike, T Grau, B Heim, F Günther, M Langer, S Muster, I Gouttevin, ...
Global and Planetary Change 139, 116-127, 2016
An improved representation of physical permafrost dynamics in the JULES land-surface model
S Chadburn, E Burke, R Essery, J Boike, M Langer, M Heikenfeld, P Cox, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (5), 1493-1508, 2015
Thaw subsidence of a yedoma landscape in northern Siberia, measured in situ and estimated from TerraSAR-X interferometry
S Antonova, H Sudhaus, T Strozzi, S Zwieback, A Kääb, B Heim, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (4), 494, 2018
The surface energy balance of a polygonal tundra site in northern Siberia Part 2: Winter
M Langer, S Westermann, S Muster, K Piel, J Boike
The Cryosphere 5, 509-524, 2011
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Articles 1–20