omar al hammal
Cited by
Cited by
Langevin description of critical phenomena with two symmetric absorbing states
O Al Hammal, H Chaté, I Dornic, MA Munoz
Physical review letters 94 (23), 230601, 2005
When can species abundance data reveal non-neutrality?
O Al Hammal, D Alonso, RS Etienne, SJ Cornell
PLoS computational biology 11 (3), e1004134, 2015
Simplified Langevin approach to the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model of DNA
F De los Santos, O Al Hammal, MA Muñoz
Physical Review E 77 (3), 032901, 2008
Critical wetting of a class of nonequilibrium interfaces: A mean-field picture
F de Los Santos, E Romera, O Al Hammal, MÁ Muñoz
Physical Review E 75 (3), 031105, 2007
A non-order parameter Langevin equation for a bounded Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality class
O Al Hammal, F de Los Santos, MA Munoz
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2005 (10), P10013, 2005
Critical wetting of a class of nonequilibrium interfaces: A computer simulation study
E Romera, F de Los Santos, O Al Hammal, MA Munoz
Physical Review E 77 (1), 011116, 2008
Absorbing state phase transitions with a non-accessible vacuum
O Al Hammal, JA Bonachela, MA Munoz
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2006 (12), P12007, 2006
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interfaces bounded by long-ranged potentials
O Al Hammal, F de Los Santos, MA Munoz, MMT da Gama
Physical Review E 74 (1), 011121, 2006
Neural Network predictions of inclusive electron-nucleus cross sections
O Al Hammal, M Martini, J Frontera-Pons, TH Nguyen, R Pérez-Ramos
Physical Review C 107 (6), 065501, 2023
Langevin equations for nonequilibrium phase transition
O Al Hammal
Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2006
Langevin Equations for Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions: Ph. D. Thesis
O Al Hammal
Editorial de la Universidad de Granada, 2006
Generalized voter model
O Al Hammal, H Chaté, I Dornic, MA Muñoz
AIP Conference Proceedings 779 (1), 197-197, 2005
How powerful are tests of neutral theory? Detecting density dependence in ecological communities
O al Hammal
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Articles 1–13