Shih-Chieh Kao
Cited by
Cited by
A copula-based joint deficit index for droughts
SC Kao, RS Govindaraju
Journal of Hydrology 380 (1-2), 121-134, 2010
A multi-model and multi-index evaluation of drought characteristics in the 21st century
D Touma, M Ashfaq, MA Nayak, SC Kao, NS Diffenbaugh
Journal of Hydrology 526, 196-207, 2015
Lack of uniform trends but increasing spatial variability in observed Indian rainfall extremes
S Ghosh, D Das, SC Kao, AR Ganguly
Nature Climate Change 2 (2), 86-91, 2012
Trivariate statistical analysis of extreme rainfall events via the Plackett family of copulas
SC Kao, RS Govindaraju
Water Resources Research 44 (2), 2008
A bivariate frequency analysis of extreme rainfall with implications for design
SC Kao, RS Govindaraju
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D13), 2007
Daymet: daily surface weather data on a 1-km grid for North America, version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
PE Thornton, MM Thornton, BW Mayer, Y Wei, R Devarakonda, RS Vose, ...
USDA-NASS, 2019. 2017 Census of Agriculture, Summary and State Data …, 2016
Intensity, duration, and frequency of precipitation extremes under 21st‐century warming scenarios
SC Kao, AR Ganguly
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D16), 2011
Gridded daily weather data for North America with comprehensive uncertainty quantification
PE Thornton, R Shrestha, M Thornton, SC Kao, Y Wei, BE Wilson
Scientific Data 8 (1), 190, 2021
Regional hydrologic response to climate change in the conterminous United States using high-resolution hydroclimate simulations
BS Naz, SC Kao, M Ashfaq, D Rastogi, R Mei, LC Bowling
Global and Planetary Change 143, 100-117, 2016
Machine learning assisted hybrid models can improve streamflow simulation in diverse catchments across the conterminous US
G Konapala, SC Kao, SL Painter, D Lu
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104022, 2020
Integrating a reservoir regulation scheme into a spatially distributed hydrological model
G Zhao, H Gao, BS Naz, SC Kao, N Voisin
Advances in Water Resources 98, 16-31, 2016
Near‐term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western US
M Ashfaq, S Ghosh, SC Kao, LC Bowling, P Mote, D Touma, SA Rauscher, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (19), 10,676-10,693, 2013
An assessment of energy potential at non-powered dams in the United States
B Hadjerioua
EERE Publication and Product Library, Washington, DC (United States), 2012
A large-scale, high-resolution hydrological model parameter data set for climate change impact assessment for the conterminous US
AA Oubeidillah, SC Kao, M Ashfaq, BS Naz, G Tootle
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (1), 67-84, 2014
Climate change and changes in compound coastal‐riverine flooding hazard along the US coasts
M Ghanbari, M Arabi, SC Kao, J Obeysekera, W Sweet
Earth's Future 9 (5), e2021EF002055, 2021
How do modeling decisions affect the spread among hydrologic climate change projections? Exploring a large ensemble of simulations across a diversity of hydroclimates
OS Chegwidden, B Nijssen, DE Rupp, JR Arnold, MP Clark, JJ Hamman, ...
Earth's Future 7 (6), 623-637, 2019
Projecting changes in annual hydropower generation using regional runoff data: An assessment of the United States federal hydropower plants
SC Kao, MJ Sale, M Ashfaq, RU Martinez, DP Kaiser, Y Wei, ...
Energy 80, 239-250, 2015
Effects of climate change on streamflow extremes and implications for reservoir inflow in the United States
BS Naz, SC Kao, M Ashfaq, H Gao, D Rastogi, S Gangrade
Journal of Hydrology 556, 359-370, 2018
TRITON: A Multi-GPU open source 2D hydrodynamic flood model
M Morales-Hernández, MB Sharif, A Kalyanapu, SK Ghafoor, TT Dullo, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 141, 105034, 2021
New stream-reach development: a comprehensive assessment of hydropower energy potential in the United States
SC Kao, RA McManamay, KM Stewart, NM Samu, B Hadjerioua, ...
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2014
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Articles 1–20