Stefan Riegg
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Cited by
Colossal dielectric constants in transition-metal oxides
P Lunkenheimer, S Krohns, S Riegg, SG Ebbinghaus, A Reller, A Loidl
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 180, 61-89, 2009
Making a cool choice: the materials library of magnetic refrigeration
T Gottschall, KP Skokov, M Fries, A Taubel, I Radulov, F Scheibel, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (34), 1901322, 2019
Colossal dielectric constants: A common phenomenon in CaCu3Ti4O12 related materials
J Sebald, S Krohns, P Lunkenheimer, SG Ebbinghaus, S Riegg, A Reller, ...
Solid state communications 150 (17-18), 857-860, 2010
Highly ordered, half-metallic Co2FeSi single crystals
CGF Blum, CA Jenkins, J Barth, C Felser, S Wurmehl, G Friemel, C Hess, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (16), 2009
A comparative study on the magnetocaloric properties of Ni‐Mn‐X (‐Co) Heusler Alloys
A Taubel, T Gottschall, M Fries, S Riegg, C Soon, KP Skokov, O Gutfleisch
physica status solidi (b) 255 (2), 1700331, 2018
Microstructure engineering of metamagnetic Ni-Mn-based Heusler compounds by Fe-doping: A roadmap towards excellent cyclic stability combined with large elastocaloric and …
L Pfeuffer, J Lemke, N Shayanfar, S Riegg, D Koch, A Taubel, F Scheibel, ...
Acta Materialia 221, 117390, 2021
Design and qualification of Pr–Fe–Cu–B alloys for the additive manufacturing of permanent magnets
L Schäfer, K Skokov, J Liu, F Maccari, T Braun, S Riegg, I Radulov, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (33), 2102148, 2021
Bandgap tuning in SrTi (N, O, F) 3 by anionic-lattice variation
S Yoon, AE Maegli, L Karvonen, SK Matam, A Shkabko, S Riegg, ...
Journal of solid state chemistry 206, 226-232, 2013
Quantum criticality in transition-metal oxides
N Büttgen, HA Krug von Nidda, W Kraetschmer, A Günther, S Widmann, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 161, 148-166, 2010
On the magnetism of Ln2/3Cu3Ti4O12 (Ln = lanthanide)
A Dittl, S Krohns, J Sebald, F Schrettle, M Hemmida, HA Krug von Nidda, ...
The European Physical Journal B 79, 391-400, 2011
Dissipation losses limiting first-order phase transition materials in cryogenic caloric cooling: A case study on all-d-metal Ni (-Co)-Mn-Ti Heusler alloys
B Beckmann, D Koch, L Pfeuffer, T Gottschall, A Taubel, E Adabifiroozjaei, ...
Acta Materialia 246, 118695, 2023
Dielectric signature of charge order in lanthanum nickelates
P Sippel, S Krohns, E Thoms, E Ruff, S Riegg, H Kirchhain, F Schrettle, ...
The European Physical Journal B 85, 1-8, 2012
Valence properties of Cu and Ru in titanium-substituted LnCu 3 Ru 4 O 12+ δ (Ln= La, Pr, Nd) investigated by XANES and TGA
S Riegg, A Reller, A Loidl, SG Ebbinghaus
Dalton Transactions 44 (23), 10852-10859, 2015
Improved photoluminescence and afterglow of CaTiO3:Pr3+ by ammonia treatment
S Yoon, EH Otal, AE Maegli, L Karvonen, SK Matam, S Riegg, ...
Optical Materials Express 3 (2), 248-259, 2013
Co-operative and frustration effects in novel perovskite-related phases
SG Ebbinghaus, S Riegg, T Götzfried, A Reller
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 180, 91-116, 2009
High-coercivity copper-rich Nd-Fe-B magnets by powder bed fusion using laser beam method
O Tosoni, EB Mendonça, J Reijonen, A Antikainen, L Schäfer, S Riegg, ...
Additive Manufacturing 64, 103426, 2023
Ce and La as substitutes for Nd in Nd2Fe14B-based melt-spun alloys and hot-deformed magnets: a comparison of structural and magnetic properties
I Poenaru, A Lixandru, S Riegg, B Fayyazi, A Taubel, K Güth, R Gauß, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 478, 198-205, 2019
Polymer-bonded magnets produced by laser powder bed fusion: Influence of powder morphology, filler fraction and energy input on the magnetic and mechanical properties
K Schäfer, T Braun, S Riegg, J Musekamp, O Gutfleisch
Materials Research Bulletin 158, 112051, 2023
Spin-singlet dimerization in LaRuO investigated using magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements
S Riegg, A Günther, HAK von Nidda, A Loidl, MV Eremin, A Reller, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (11), 115125, 2012
On the impact of additive manufacturing processes on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Co–Ni–Ga shape memory Heusler alloys
F Scheibel, C Lauhoff, S Riegg, P Krooß, E Bruder, E Adabifiroozjaei, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (10), 2200069, 2022
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Articles 1–20