Edgar Tello-Leal
Edgar Tello-Leal
Professor of Telematics Engineering, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Mexico
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Las tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones (TIC) y la brecha digital: su impacto en la sociedad de México
ET Leal
Rev. U. Soc. Conocimiento 4, 1, 2007
La relación entre la calidad en el servicio, satisfacción del cliente y lealtad del cliente: un estudio de caso de una empresa comercial en México
JG Silva-Treviño, BA Macías-Hernández, E Tello-Leal, JG Delgado-Rivas
CienciaUAT 15 (2), 85-101, 2021
A review of surrogate assisted multiobjective evolutionary algorithms
A Díaz-Manríquez, G Toscano, JH Barron-Zambrano, E Tello-Leal
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2016 (1), 9420460, 2016
Event log preprocessing for process mining: a review
HM Marin-Castro, E Tello-Leal
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 10556, 2021
Methodology for the model-driven development of service oriented IoT applications
CM Sosa-Reyna, E Tello-Leal, D Lara-Alabazares
Journal of Systems Architecture 90, 15-22, 2018
Association of environmental and meteorological factors on the spread of COVID-19 in Victoria, Mexico, and air quality during the lockdown
E Tello-Leal, BA Macias-Hernandez
Environmental Research 196, 110442, 2021
La brecha digital: índices de desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en México
E Tello-Leal
Ciencias de la Información 45 (1), 43-50, 2014
The relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: A case study of a trading company in Mexico
JG Silva-Treviño, BA Macías-Hernández, E Tello-Leal, JG Delgado-Rivas
CienciaUAT 15 (2), 85-101, 2021
Predicting activities in business processes with LSTM recurrent neural networks
E Tello-Leal, J Roa, M Rubiolo, UM Ramirez-Alcocer
2018 ITU Kaleidoscope: Machine Learning for a 5G Future (ITU K), 1-7, 2018
Process-Oriented Integration and Coordination of Healthcare Services across Organizational Boundaries
E Tello-Leal, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
Journal of Medical Systems 36 (6), 3713-3724, 2012
Análisis de los servicios de la tecnología Web 2.0 aplicados a la educación
E Tello Leal, CM Sosa Reyna, M Lucio Castillo, MM Flores Morelos
No Solo Usabilidad, 2010
Improving selection of synsets from WordNet for domain-specific word sense disambiguation
I Lopez-Arevalo, VJ Sosa-Sosa, F Rojas-Lopez, E Tello-Leal
Computer Speech & Language 41, 128-145, 2017
R2‐Based Multi/Many‐Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
A Díaz-Manríquez, G Toscano, JH Barron-Zambrano, E Tello-Leal
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2016 (1), 1898527, 2016
Model-driven development methodology for B2B collaborations
IM Lazarte, E Tello-Leal, J Roa, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
2010 14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2010
Software agent architecture for managing inter-organizational collaborations
E Tello-Leal, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
Journal of applied research and technology 12 (3), 514-526, 2014
An end-to-end approach and tool for BPMN process discovery
HM Marin-Castro, E Tello-Leal
Expert Systems with Applications 174, 114662, 2021
Merging event logs for inter-organizational process mining
JD Hernandez-Resendiz, E Tello-Leal, HM Marin-Castro, ...
New Perspectives on Enterprise Decision-Making Applying Artificial …, 2021
A Technological Solution to Provide Integrated and Process-Oriented Care Services in Healthcare Organizations
E Tello-Leal, PD Villarreal, O Chiotti, AB Rios-Alvarado, I Lopez-Arevalo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (4), 1508 - 1518, 2016
The digital divide: ICT development indices in Mexico
E Tello-Leal, CM Sosa-Reyna, DA Tello-Leal
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 797-811, 2012
A methodology based on model-driven engineering for IoT application development
CM Sosa-Reyna, E Tello-Leal, D Lara-Alabazares, JA Mata-Torres, ...
ICDS 2018, 36-41, 2018
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Articles 1–20