Leonard Chang
Leonard Chang
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Effect of pH on adsorption of anionic surfactants on limestone: experimental study and surface complexation modeling
M Tagavifar, SH Jang, H Sharma, D Wang, LY Chang, K Mohanty, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 538, 549-558, 2018
Prediction of microemulsion phase behavior from surfactant and co-solvent structures
L Chang, GA Pope, SH Jang, M Tagavifar
Fuel 237, 494-514, 2019
Reduction of surfactant retention in limestones using sodium hydroxide
D Wang, M Maubert, GA Pope, PJ Liyanage, SH Jang, KA Upamali, ...
SPE Journal 24 (01), 92-115, 2019
A systematic method for reducing surfactant retention to extremely low levels
SH Jang, PJ Liyanage, M Tagavifar, L Chang, KA Upamali, ...
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, SPE-179685-MS, 2016
Controlling the composition, phase volume, and viscosity of microemulsions with cosolvent
M Tagavifar, SH Jang, L Chang, K Mohanty, G Pope
Fuel 211, 214-222, 2018
ASP experiments in Indiana limestone using NaOH to reduce surfactant retention
M Maubert, P Jith Liyanage, G Pope, N Upamali, L Chang, G Ren, ...
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, D041S020R005, 2018
Structure-property model for microemulsion phase behavior
L Chang, SH Jang, M Tagavifar, GA Pope
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, D041S023R004, 2018
Co-solvent partitioning and retention
LY Chang, DS Lansakara-P, SH Jang, UP Weerasooriya, GA Pope
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, SPE-179676-MS, 2016
Prediction of the aqueous stability limit of surfactant EOR formulations
LY Chang, GA Pope
Offshore Technology Conference, D041S049R002, 2019
New correlation for predicting the best surfactant and co-solvent structures to evaluate for chemical EOR
LY Chang
Fundamental improvements in modeling surfactant behavior in reservoir simulators
LY Chang, Z Li, H Luo, GA Pope
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, D021S017R003, 2022
A new surfactant wettability alteration model for reservoir simulators
LY Chang, GA Pope
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 26 (3), 437-451, 2023
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