Pin Nie
Cited by
Cited by
Stability phase diagram of active Brownian particles
P Nie, J Chattoraj, A Piscitelli, P Doyle, R Ni, MP Ciamarra
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023010, 2020
Self-Adaptation of Pseudomonas fluorescens Biofilms to Hydrodynamic Stress
J Jara, F Alarcón, AK Monnappa, JI Santos, V Bianco, P Nie, MP Ciamarra, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 11, 588884, 2021
In-silico modeling of early-stage biofilm formation
P Nie, F Alarcon, I López-Montero, B Orgaz, C Valeriani, M Pica Ciamarra
Soft Materials 19 (3), 346-358, 2021
Frictional active Brownian particles
P Nie, J Chattoraj, A Piscitelli, P Doyle, R Ni, MP Ciamarra
Physical Review E 102 (3), 032612, 2020
Biofilms under hydrodynamic stress.
F Alarcón, V Bianco, P Nie, L Dinis, MP Ciamarra, MA Canales, ...
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Articles 1–5