Ramón Piloto-Rodríguez
Ramón Piloto-Rodríguez
Miami-Dade County
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Cited by
Prediction of the cetane number of biodiesel using artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression
R Piloto-Rodríguez, Y Sánchez-Borroto, M Lapuerta, L Goyos-Pérez, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 65, 255-261, 2013
Assessment of diesel engine performance when fueled with biodiesel from algae and microalgae: An overview
R Piloto-Rodríguez, Y Sánchez-Borroto, EA Melo-Espinosa, S Verhelst
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 69, 833-842, 2017
Surface tension prediction of vegetable oils using artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression
EA Melo-Espinosa, Y Sánchez-Borroto, M Errasti, R Piloto-Rodríguez, ...
Energy Procedia 57, 886-895, 2014
Ignition delay in a palm oil and rapeseed oil biodiesel fuelled engine and predictive correlations for the ignition delay period
R Piloto-Rodríguez, R Sierens, S Verhelst
Fuel 90 (2), 766-772, 2011
Emulsification of animal fats and vegetable oils for their use as a diesel engine fuel: An overview
EA Melo-Espinosa, R Piloto-Rodríguez, L Goyos-Pérez, R Sierens, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 47, 623-633, 2015
Conversion of by-products from the vegetable oil industry into biodiesel and its use in internal combustion engines: a review
R Piloto-Rodríguez, EA Melo, L Goyos, S Verhelst
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 31 (2), 287-301, 2014
Failure of fuel injectors in a medium speed diesel engine operating on bio-oil
J Galle, S Verhelst, R Sierens, L Goyos, R Castaneda, M Verhaege, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 40, 27-35, 2012
Thermal and kinetic evaluation of biodiesel derived from soybean oil and higuereta oil
R Piloto-Rodríguez, R Sierens, S Verhelst
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 96 (3), 897-901, 2009
Characterization of Jatropha curcas oils and their derived fatty acid ethyl esters obtained from two different plantations in Cuba
R Piloto-Rodríguez, L Goyos, M Alfonso, M Duarte, R Caro, J Galle, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (9), 4092-4098, 2011
Experimental investigation of emulsified fuels produced with a micro-channel emulsifier: Puffing and micro-explosion analyses
EA Melo-Espinosa, J Bellettre, D Tarlet, A Montillet, R Piloto-Rodríguez, ...
Fuel 219, 320-330, 2018
Experimental investigation concerning the influence of fuel type and properties on the injection and atomization of liquid biofuels in an optical combustion chamber
J Galle, S Defruyt, C Van de Maele, R Piloto-Rodriguez, Q Denon, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 57, 215-228, 2013
Prediction of cetane number and ignition delay of biodiesel using Artificial Neural Networks
Y Sánchez-Borroto, R Piloto-Rodriguez, M Errasti, R Sierens, S Verhelst
Energy Procedia 57, 877-885, 2014
Determinación de la estabilidad en mezclas de gasolina y alcohol
J Cruz, JJ Llovera, R Piloto
Ecosolar 14, 2005
An approach to the use of Jatropha curcas by-products as energy source in agroindustry
R Piloto-Rodríguez, I Tobío, M Ortiz-Alvarez, Y Díaz, S Konradi, S Pohl
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-21, 2020
Extracción de aceites de origen vegetal
D Tabio, Y Díaz, M Rondón, E Fernández, R Piloto
Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana “José Antonio Echevarría, 2017
Biomass-based heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production: A comprehensive review
I Tobio-Perez, Y Diaz Dominguez, L Rodriguez Machin, S Pohl, ...
International Journal of Energy Research, 2021
Conversion of fatty acid distillates into biodiesel: engine performance and environmental effects
R Piloto-Rodríguez, Y Díaz, EA Melo-Espinosa, Y Sánchez-Borroto, ...
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 42 …, 2019
Predicción del número de cetano de biocombustibles a partir de su composición de ácidos grasos
Y Sánchez-Borroto, R Piloto-Rodríguez, L Goyos-Pérez, N Ferrer-Frontela
Ingeniería Mecánica 15 (2), 147-157, 2012
Biocombustibles para su uso en motores Diesel. ISBN: 978-959-234-095-4. IDICT. Colectivo de autores
C de autores, R Piloto-Rodriguez, EA Melo-Espinosa, Y Sánchez-Borroto, ...
Emulsification of waste cooking oils and fatty acid distillates as diesel engine fuels: An attractive alternative
EAM Espinosa, R Piloto-Rodríguez, R Sierens, S Verhelst
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 9, 3-16, 2016
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Articles 1–20