A digital acoustic recording tag for measuring the response of wild marine mammals to sound MP Johnson, PL Tyack IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 28 (1), 3-12, 2003 | 1067 | 2003 |
COVID-19 lockdown allows researchers to quantify the effects of human activity on wildlife C Rutz, MC Loretto, AE Bates, SC Davidson, CM Duarte, W Jetz, ... Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (9), 1156-1159, 2020 | 664 | 2020 |
Extreme diving of beaked whales PL Tyack, M Johnson, NA Soto, A Sturlese, PT Madsen Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (21), 4238-4253, 2006 | 630 | 2006 |
Measuring acoustic habitats ND Merchant, KM Fristrup, MP Johnson, PL Tyack, MJ Witt, P Blondel, ... Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (3), 257-265, 2015 | 558 | 2015 |
Beaked whales echolocate on prey M Johnson, PT Madsen, WMX Zimmer, N Aguilar De Soto, PL Tyack Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004 | 554 | 2004 |
Deep‐diving foraging behaviour of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) SL Watwood, PJO Miller, M Johnson, PT Madsen, PL Tyack Journal of Animal Ecology 75 (3), 814-825, 2006 | 538 | 2006 |
Biosonar performance of foraging beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) PT Madsen, M Johnson, NA de Soto, WMX Zimmer, P Tyack Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (2), 181-194, 2005 | 386 | 2005 |
Sperm whale behaviour indicates the use of echolocation click buzzes ‘creaks’ in prey capture PJO Miller, MP Johnson, PL Tyack Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004 | 382 | 2004 |
Cheetahs of the deep sea: deep foraging sprints in short-finned pilot whales off Tenerife (Canary Islands) NA Soto, MP Johnson, PT Madsen, F Díaz, I Domínguez, A Brito, P Tyack Journal of Animal Ecology, 936-947, 2008 | 355 | 2008 |
Individual right whales call louder in increased environmental noise SE Parks, M Johnson, D Nowacek, PL Tyack Biology letters 7 (1), 33-35, 2011 | 352 | 2011 |
Echolocation clicks of free-ranging Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) WMX Zimmer, MP Johnson, PT Madsen, PL Tyack The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117 (6), 3919-3927, 2005 | 351 | 2005 |
Vessel noise effects on delphinid communication FH Jensen, L Bejder, M Wahlberg, NA Soto, M Johnson, PT Madsen Marine Ecology Progress Series 395, 161-175, 2009 | 335 | 2009 |
North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) ignore ships but respond to alerting stimuli DP Nowacek, MP Johnson, PL Tyack Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004 | 327 | 2004 |
DOES INTENSE SHIP NOISE DISRUPT FORAGING IN DEEP‐DIVING CUVIER'S BEAKED WHALES (ZIPHIUS CAVIROSTRIS)? N Aguilar Soto, M Johnson, PT Madsen, PL Tyack, A Bocconcelli, ... Marine Mammal Science 22 (3), 690-699, 2006 | 312 | 2006 |
Foraging Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) produce distinct click types matched to different phases of echolocation M Johnson, PT Madsen, WMX Zimmer, NA De Soto, PL Tyack Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (24), 5038-5050, 2006 | 308 | 2006 |
Swimming gaits, passive drag and buoyancy of diving sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus PJO Miller, MP Johnson, PL Tyack, EA Terray Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (11), 1953-1967, 2004 | 297 | 2004 |
Ultra-High Foraging Rates of Harbor Porpoises Make Them Vulnerable to Anthropogenic Disturbance DM Wisniewska, M Johnson, J Teilmann, L Rojano-Doñate, J Shearer, ... Current Biology 26 (11), 1441-1446, 2016 | 295 | 2016 |
Studying the behaviour and sensory ecology of marine mammals using acoustic recording tags: a review M Johnson, NA de Soto, PT Madsen Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2009 | 278 | 2009 |
Analysis of channel effects on direct-sequence and frequency-hopped spread-spectrum acoustic communication L Freitag, M Stojanovic, S Singh, M Johnson IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 26 (4), 586-593, 2001 | 261 | 2001 |
High rates of vessel noise disrupt foraging in wild harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) DM Wisniewska, M Johnson, J Teilmann, U Siebert, A Galatius, R Dietz, ... Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1872), 20172314, 2018 | 235 | 2018 |