3.3-million-year-old stone tools from Lomekwi 3, West Turkana, Kenya S Harmand, JE Lewis, CS Feibel, CJ Lepre, S Prat, A Lenoble, X Boës, ... Nature 521 (7552), 310-315, 2015 | 1327 | 2015 |
An earlier origin for the Acheulian CJ Lepre, H Roche, DV Kent, S Harmand, RL Quinn, JP Brugal, PJ Texier, ... Nature 477 (7362), 82-85, 2011 | 623 | 2011 |
Analysis of Aurignacian interstratification at the Châtelperronian-type site and implications for the behavioral modernity of Neandertals J Zilhão, F d’Errico, JG Bordes, A Lenoble, JP Texier, JP Rigaud Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (33), 12643-12648, 2006 | 176 | 2006 |
Fabric of Palaeolithic levels: methods and implications for site formation processes A Lenoble, P Bertran Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (4), 457-469, 2004 | 173 | 2004 |
Particle size distribution of lithic assemblages and taphonomy of Palaeolithic sites P Bertran, A Lenoble, D Todisco, PM Desrosiers, M Sørensen Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (10), 3148-3166, 2012 | 142 | 2012 |
A late Neandertal femur from les Rochers-de-Villeneuve, France C Beauval, B Maureille, F Lacrampe-Cuyaubere, D Serre, D Peressinotto, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (20), 7085-7090, 2005 | 132 | 2005 |
Thermoluminescence dating of a Stillbay–Howiesons Poort sequence at Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Western Cape, South Africa) C Tribolo, N Mercier, H Valladas, JL Joron, P Guibert, Y Lefrais, M Selo, ... Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (3), 730-739, 2009 | 108 | 2009 |
Interpreting pachyderm single carcass sites in the African Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene record: A multidisciplinary approach to the site of Nadung’a 4 (Kenya) A Delagnes, A Lenoble, S Harmand, JP Brugal, S Prat, JJ Tiercelin, ... Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 25 (4), 448-465, 2006 | 97 | 2006 |
Distribution and chronology of P leistocene permafrost features in F rance: Database and first results P Bertran, E Andrieux, P Antoine, S Coutard, L Deschodt, P Gardère, ... Boreas 43 (3), 699-711, 2014 | 93 | 2014 |
Fabriques des niveaux archéologiques: méthode et premier bilan des apports à l’étude taphonomique des sites paléolithiques P Bertran, A Lenoble PALEO. Revue d'archéologie préhistorique, 13-28, 2002 | 80 | 2002 |
Ruissellement et formation des sites préhistoriques: référentiel actualiste et exemples d'application au fossile. A Lenoble British Archaeological Report, 2005 | 75 | 2005 |
Solifluction-induced modifications of archaeological levels: simulation based on experimental data from a modern periglacial slope and application to French Palaeolithic sites A Lenoble, P Bertran, F Lacrampe Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (1), 99-110, 2008 | 73 | 2008 |
The impact of periglacial processes on Palaeolithic sites: the case of sorted patterned grounds P Bertran, L Klaric, A Lenoble, B Masson, L Vallin Quaternary International 214 (1-2), 17-29, 2010 | 60 | 2010 |
La" lamelle Caminade": un nouvel outil lithique aurignacien? JG Bordes, A Lenoble Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 735-749, 2002 | 58 | 2002 |
Fossil and subfossil herpetofauna from Cadet 2 Cave (Marie-Galante, Guadeloupe Islands, FWI): Evolution of an insular herpetofauna since the Late Pleistocene C Bochaton, S Grouard, R Cornette, I Ineich, A Lenoble, A Tresset, ... Comptes Rendus Palevol 14 (2), 101-110, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Nouvelles données sur la séquence aurignacienne de la grotte d'Isturitz (communes d'Isturitz et de Saint-Martin-d'Arberoue. Pyrénées-Atlantiques) C Normand, SA de Beaune, S Costamagno, MF Diot, D Henry-Gambier, ... Un siècle de construction du discours scientifique en Préhistoire, vol. III …, 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
Grotte des Fées (Châtelperron): History of research, stratigraphy, dating, and archaeology of the Châtelperronian type-site J Zilhão, F d'Errico, JG Bordes, A Lenoble, PJ Texier, JP Rigaud PaleoAnthropology, 1-42, 2008 | 51 | 2008 |
The cave of the monk (Ban Fa Suai, Chiang Dao wildlife sanctuary, northern Thailand) V Zeitoun, A Lenoble, F Laudet, J Thompson, WJ Rink, JB Mallye, ... Quaternary International 220 (1-2), 160-173, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
New data on Pleistocene and Holocene herpetofauna of Marie Galante (Blanchard Cave, Guadeloupe Islands, French West Indies): Insular faunal turnover and human impact S Bailon, C Bochaton, A Lenoble Quaternary Science Reviews 128, 127-137, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
The Acheulean site of “La Grande Vallée” at Colombiers (Vienne, France): stratigraphy, formation processes, preliminary dating and lithic industries D Hérisson, J Airvaux, A Lenoble, D Richter, É Claud, J Primault PALEO. Revue d'archéologie préhistorique, 137-154, 2012 | 40* | 2012 |