Kiamars Vafayi
Kiamars Vafayi
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Cited by
Duality and hidden symmetries in interacting particle systems
C Giardina, J Kurchan, F Redig, K Vafayi
Journal of Statistical Physics 135, 25-55, 2009
Correlation inequalities for interacting particle systems with duality
C Giardina, F Redig, K Vafayi
Journal of Statistical Physics 141, 242-263, 2010
Condensation in the inclusion process and related models
S Grosskinsky, F Redig, K Vafayi
Journal of Statistical Physics 142, 952-974, 2011
Parameter estimation of social forces in pedestrian dynamics models via a probabilistic method
A Corbetta, A Muntean, K Vafayi
Mathematical biosciences and engineering 12 (2), 337-356, 2015
Dynamics of condensation in the symmetric inclusion process
S Grosskinsky, F Redig, K Vafayi
Analytical continuation of spectral data from imaginary time axis to real frequency axis using statistical sampling
K Vafayi, O Gunnarsson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (3), 035115, 2007
Large deviations in stochastic heat-conduction processes provide a gradient-flow structure for heat conduction
MA Peletier, F Redig, K Vafayi
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (9), 2014
Electronic thermal conductivity at high temperatures: Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in narrow-band metals
K Vafayi, M Calandra, O Gunnarsson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (23), 235116, 2006
Weakly nonequilibrium properties of a symmetric inclusion process with open boundaries
K Vafayi, MH Duong
Physical Review E 90 (5), 052143, 2014
Weak coupling limits in a stochastic model of heat conduction
F Redig, K Vafayi
Journal of mathematical physics 52 (9), 2011
Abundance of Nanoclusters in a Molecular Beam: The Magic Numbers for Lennard-Jones Potential
K Vafayi, K Esfarjani
Journal of Cluster Science 26, 473-490, 2015
Structural identification of interaction terms in a Langevin-like model for crowd dynamics
A Corbetta, A Muntean, F Toschi, K Vafayi
preparation, 2014
Parameter estimation of social forces in crowd dynamics models via a probabilistic method
A Corbetta, A Muntean, F Toschi, K Vafayi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.5361, 2014
Comment on “Collapse of Coherent Quasiparticle <?format ?>States in Observed by Optical <?format ?>Spectroscopy”
O Gunnarsson, K Vafayi
Physical review letters 98 (21), 219802, 2007
Dualitiy, bosonic particle systems and some exactly solvable models of non-equilibrium
K Vafayi
Leiden University, 2011
Condensation in the Inclusion Process and Related
S Grosskinsky, F Redig, K Vafayi
policies. Please scroll down to view the document, 2011
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Articles 1–16