Christophe Chatelain
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Cited by
Finite-size scaling study of the surface and bulk critical behavior in the random-bond eight-state Potts model
C Chatelain, B Berche
Physical review letters 80 (8), 1670, 1998
A far-from-equilibrium fluctuation–dissipation relation for an Ising–Glauber-like model
C Chatelain
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (43), 10739, 2003
Bond dilution in the 3D Ising model: a Monte Carlo study
PE Berche, C Chatelain, B Berche, W Janke
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 38 (3 …, 2004
Softening of first-order transition in three-dimensions by quenched disorder
C Chatelain, B Berche, W Janke, PE Berche
Physical Review E 64 (3), 036120, 2001
Monte Carlo study of phase transitions in the bond-diluted 3D 4-state Potts model
C Chatelain, B Berche, W Janke, PE Berche
Nuclear Physics B 719 (3), 275-311, 2005
Mesoscopic rings with spin-orbit interactions
B Berche, C Chatelain, E Medina
European journal of physics 31 (5), 1267, 2010
Magnetic critical behavior of two-dimensional random-bond Potts ferromagnets in confined geometries
C Chatelain, B Berche
Physical Review E 60 (4), 3853, 1999
Tests of conformal invariance in randomness-induced second-order phase transitions
C Chatelain, B Berche
Physical Review E 58 (6), R6899, 1998
Aperiodicity-induced second-order phase transition in the 8-state potts model
PE Berche, C Chatelain, B Berche
Physical review letters 80 (2), 297, 1998
Universality and multifractal behaviour of spin–spin correlation functions in disordered potts models
C Chatelain, B Berche
Nuclear Physics B 572 (3), 626-650, 2000
Reconstruction-induced multiple gaps in the weak coupling limit: The surface bands of Au (111) vicinal surfaces
C Didiot, Y Fagot-Revurat, S Pons, B Kierren, C Chatelain, D Malterre
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (8), 081404, 2006
On universality in ageing ferromagnets
C Chatelain
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2004 (06), P06006, 2004
Symmetry relations for multifractal spectra at random critical points
C Monthus, B Berche, C Chatelain
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009 (12), P12002, 2009
Boundary critical behaviour of two-dimensional random Potts models
G Palágyi, C Chatelain, B Berche, F Iglói
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 13 (2 …, 2000
DMRG study of the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transitions of the 2D five-state clock model
C Chatelain
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (11), P11022, 2014
Crossover effects in the bond-diluted Ising model in three dimensions
PE Berche, C Chatelain, B Berche, W Janke
Computer physics communications 147 (1-2), 427-430, 2002
A temperature-extended Jarzynski relation: Application to the numerical calculation of surface tension
C Chatelain
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (04), P04011, 2007
Random Ising model in three dimensions: theory, experiment and simulation-a difficult coexistence
B Berche, PE Berche, C Chatelain, W Janke
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0411255, 2004
Exchange bias like effect induced by domain walls in FeGd/FeSn bilayers
F Canet, C Bellouard, S Mangin, C Chatelain, C Senet, R Siebrecht, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 34, 381-394, 2003
Size Effect on Magnetism of Fe Thin Films in Superlattices
S Andrieu, C Chatelain, M Lemine, B Berche, P Bauer
Physical Review Letters 86 (17), 3883, 2001
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Articles 1–20