Jair Ferreira
Cited by
Cited by
Driver behavior profiling: An investigation with different smartphone sensors and machine learning
J Ferreira, E Carvalho, BV Ferreira, C de Souza, Y Suhara, A Pentland, ...
PLoS one 12 (4), e0174959, 2017
Exploiting the use of recurrent neural networks for driver behavior profiling
E Carvalho, BV Ferreira, J Ferreira, C De Souza, HV Carvalho, Y Suhara, ...
2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 3016-3021, 2017
Source and background threshold values of potentially toxic elements in soils by multivariate statistics and GIS-based mapping: a high density sampling survey in the …
PK Sahoo, R Dall’Agnol, GN Salomão, J da Silva Ferreira Junior, ...
Environmental geochemistry and health 42 (1), 255-282, 2020
High resolution hydrogeochemical survey and estimation of baseline concentrations of trace elements in surface water of the Itacaiúnas River Basin, southeastern Amazonia …
PK Sahoo, R Dall'Agnol, GN Salomão, JSF Junior, MS Silva, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 205, 106321, 2019
COVID-19 lockdown: a rare opportunity to establish baseline pollution level of air pollutants in a megacity, India
PK Sahoo, GN Salomão, J da Silva Ferreira Júnior, D de Lima Farias, ...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 18, 1269-1286, 2021
Exploiting machine learning for the identification of locomotives’ position in large freight trains
H Arruda, O Ohashi, J Ferreira, C De Souza, G Pessin
Applied Artificial Intelligence 33 (10), 902-912, 2019
Cleidson de Souza, Hanna V Carvalho, Yoshihiko Suhara, Alex Sandy Pentland, and Gustavo Pessin. Exploiting the use of recurrent neural networks for driver behavior profiling
E Carvalho, BV Ferreira, J Ferreira
2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks-IJCNN, 2017
Wearable computing for railway environments: Proposal and evaluation of a safety solution
BV Ferreira, G Serejo, MR Ferreira, DF Ferreira, L Cardoso, E Yoshidome, ...
IET Intelligent transport systems 11 (6), 319-325, 2017
Identifying locomotives' position in large freight trains: an investigation with machine learning and fuel consumption
H Arruda, G Pessin, O Ohashi, J Ferreira, C De Souza
Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning (KDMILE), Recife–PE …, 2016
Análise de perfil de motoristas: Detecção de eventos por meio de smartphones e aprendizado de máquina
JF Júnior, G Pessin
Anais do WOCCES 2016 Workshop de Comunicação em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos …, 2016
A computational framework for railway incident analysis: from data mining to data visualization
S Viademonte, C De Souza, N Carneiro, J Ferreira, W Lira
Social work education: ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon/Portugal
J Ferreira, M Pena, P Álvarez-Pérez
Social work education: Reflections and debate in the European context, 2020
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Articles 1–12