Christopher B. Skinner
Cited by
Cited by
Occurrence and persistence of future atmospheric stagnation events
DE Horton, CB Skinner, D Singh, NS Diffenbaugh
Nature climate change 4 (8), 698-703, 2014
The cloud feedback model intercomparison project (CFMIP) contribution to CMIP6
MJ Webb, T Andrews, A Bodas-Salcedo, S Bony, CS Bretherton, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (1), 359-384, 2017
Enhanced risk of concurrent regional droughts with increased ENSO variability and warming
J Singh, M Ashfaq, CB Skinner, WB Anderson, V Mishra, D Singh
Nature Climate Change 12 (2), 163-170, 2022
Influence of SST biases on future climate change projections
M Ashfaq, CB Skinner, NS Diffenbaugh
Climate Dynamics 36, 1303-1319, 2011
Amplification of heat extremes by plant CO2 physiological forcing
CB Skinner, CJ Poulsen, JS Mankin
Nature communications 9 (1), 1094, 2018
The role of plant CO2 physiological forcing in shaping future daily-scale precipitation
CB Skinner, CJ Poulsen, R Chadwick, NS Diffenbaugh, RP Fiorella
Journal of Climate,, 2017
Implications of twenty-first century climate change on Northeastern United States maple syrup production: impacts and adaptations
CB Skinner, AT DeGaetano, BF Chabot
Climatic change 100 (3), 685-702, 2010
Northern Hemisphere vegetation change drives a Holocene thermal maximum
AJ Thompson, J Zhu, CJ Poulsen, JE Tierney, CB Skinner
Science advances 8 (15), eabj6535, 2022
Amplified risk of spatially compounding droughts during co-occurrences of modes of natural ocean variability
J Singh, M Ashfaq, CB Skinner, WB Anderson, D Singh
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 4 (1), 7, 2021
Timeslice experiments for understanding regional climate projections: applications to the tropical hydrological cycle and European winter circulation
R Chadwick, H Douville, CB Skinner
Climate Dynamics,, 2017
Projected changes in African easterly wave intensity and track in response to greenhouse forcing
CB Skinner, NS Diffenbaugh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (19), 6882-6887, 2014
The contribution of African easterly waves to monsoon precipitation in the CMIP3 ensemble
CB Skinner, NS Diffenbaugh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (9), 3590-3609, 2013
Modulation of mid‐Holocene African rainfall by dust aerosol direct and indirect effects
AJ Thompson, CB Skinner, CJ Poulsen, J Zhu
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (7), 3917-3926, 2019
Atmospheric river changes shaped mid-latitude hydroclimate since the mid-Holocene
CB Skinner, JM Lora, AE Payne, CJ Poulsen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 541, 116293, 2020
Influence of twenty-first-century atmospheric and sea surface temperature forcing on West African climate
CB Skinner, M Ashfaq, NS Diffenbaugh
Journal of Climate 25 (2), 527-542, 2012
The role of fall season tropical plumes in enhancing Saharan rainfall during the African Humid Period
CB Skinner, CJ Poulsen
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (1), 349-358, 2016
Four distinct Northeast US heat wave circulation patterns and associated mechanisms, trends, and electric usage
L Agel, M Barlow, C Skinner, F Colby, J Cohen
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 4 (1), 31, 2021
Clustering analysis of autumn weather regimes in the northeast United States
D Coe, M Barlow, L Agel, F Colby, C Skinner, JH Qian
Journal of Climate 34 (18), 7587-7605, 2021
Water isotopic constraints on the enhancement of the mid-Holocene West African monsoon
AJ Thompson, CR Tabor, CJ Poulsen, CB Skinner
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 554, 116677, 2021
The contribution of local and remote transpiration, ground evaporation, and canopy evaporation to precipitation across North America
TS Harrington, J Nusbaumer, CB Skinner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2022JD037290, 2023
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