A. F.  Molland
A. F. Molland
Emeritus Professor of Ship Design, University of Southampton
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Cited by
Power and thrust measurements of marine current turbines under various hydrodynamic flow conditions in a cavitation tunnel and a towing tank
AS Bahaj, AF Molland, JR Chaplin, WMJ Batten
Renewable energy 32 (3), 407-426, 2007
Ship resistance and propulsion
AF Molland
Cambridge university press, 2017
The prediction of the hydrodynamic performance of marine current turbines
WMJ Batten, AS Bahaj, AF Molland, JR Chaplin
Renewable energy 33 (5), 1085-1096, 2008
The maritime engineering reference book: a guide to ship design, construction and operation
AF Molland
Elsevier, 2011
Hydrodynamics of marine current turbines
WMJ Batten, AS Bahaj, AF Molland, JR Chaplin
Renewable energy 31 (2), 249-256, 2006
Experimentally validated numerical method for the hydrodynamic design of horizontal axis tidal turbines
WMJ Batten, AS Bahaj, AF Molland, JR Chaplin, ...
Ocean engineering 34 (7), 1013-1020, 2007
An investigation into the resistance components of high speed displacement catamarans
M Insel
University of Southampton, 1990
Marine rudders and control surfaces: principles, data, design and applications
AF Molland, SR Turnock
Elsevier, 2011
Measurements and predictions of forces, pressures and cavitation on 2-D sections suitable for marine current turbines
AF Molland, AS Bahaj, JR Chaplin, WMJ Batten
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2004
Resistance experiments on a systematic series of high speed displacement catamaran forms: variation of length-displacement ratio and breadth-draught ratio
AF Molland, JF Wellicome, PR Couser
University of Southampton, 1994
An investigation into the variation of ship skin frictional resistance with fouling
JC Lewthwaite, AF Molland, KW Thomas
Royal Institution of Naval Architects Transactions 127, 1985
Calm water powering predictions for high-speed catamarans
PR Couser, AF Molland, NA Armstrong, I Utama
Published in: FAST’97 proceedings, Sydney, Australia, 1997
Wind tunnel investigation of the influence of propeller loading on ship rudder performance
AF Molland, SR Turnock
University of Southampton, 1991
Reducing ship emissions: a review of potential practical improvements in the propulsive efficiency of future ships
AF Molland, SR Turnock, DA Hudson, I Utama
International journal of maritime engineering 156 (A2), 2014
An improved method for the theoretical prediction of the wave resistance of transom-stem hulls using a slender body approach
PR Couser, JF Wellicome, AF Molland
International Shipbuilding Progress 45, 331-350, 1998
A guide to ship design, construction and operation
AF Molland
The Maritime Engineering Reference Book 636, 2008
An overview of the airflow distortion at anemometer sites on ships
BI Moat, MJ Yelland, RW Pascal, AF Molland
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2005
Resistance experiments on a systematic series of high speed catamaran forms: Variation of length-displacement ratio and breadth-draught ratio
A Molland
Trans Royal Inst Naval Archit 138, 59-71, 1996
Experimental and numerical study of the resistance component interactions of catamarans
A Jamaluddin, I Utama, B Widodo, AF Molland
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2013
Quantifying the airflow distortion over merchant ships. Part I: Validation of a CFD model
BI Moat, MJ Yelland, RW Pascal, AF Molland
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 23 (3), 341-350, 2006
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