Nedelina Teneva
Nedelina Teneva
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Cited by
Cited by
High-throughput genotoxicity assay identifies antioxidants as inducers of DNA damage response and cell death
JT Fox, S Sakamuru, R Huang, N Teneva, SO Simmons, M Xia, RR Tice, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (14), 5423-5428, 2012
Salience rank: Efficient keyphrase extraction with topic modeling
N Teneva, W Cheng
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2017
Multiresolution matrix factorization
R Kondor, N Teneva, V Garg
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1620-1628, 2014
Multiresolution matrix compression
N Teneva, PK Mudrakarta, R Kondor
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1441-1449, 2016
Structural patterns in the rise of Germany’s new right on Facebook
S Schelter, F Biessmann, M Zobel, N Teneva
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW …, 2016
Parallel mmf: a multiresolution approach to matrix computation
R Kondor, N Teneva, PK Mudrakarta
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.04396, 2015
Austin, & Myung, K.(2012). High-throughput genotoxicity assay identifies antioxi‐dants as inducers of DNA damage response and cell death
JT Fox, S Sakamuru, R Huang, N Teneva, SO Simmons, M Xia, RR Tice
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America …, 0
Reply to Kojo: Mechanisms of antioxidant-induced DNA damage
JT Fox, S Sakamuru, R Huang, N Teneva, SO Simmons, M Xia, RR Tice, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (30), E2029-E2029, 2012
Knowledge Graphs are not Created Equal: Exploring the Properties and Structure of Real KGs
N Teneva, E Hruschka
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.06414, 2023
Multiresolution Matrix Factorization
N Teneva
pMMF: a high performance parallel MMF library
R Kondor, N Teneva, PK Mudrakarta
Hosted at https://github. com/risi-kondor/pMMF, 2015
Exploring the Properties and Structure of Real Knowledge Graphs across Scientific Disciplines
N Teneva, E Hruschka
NeurIPS 2023 AI for Science Workshop, 2023
The Extractive-Abstractive Axis: Measuring Content" Borrowing" in Generative Language Models
N Teneva
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.11779, 2023
pMMF: a C++ library for parallel multiresolution matrix factorization
R Kondor, N Teneva, PK Mudrakarta
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Articles 1–14