AC Ravelo
Cited by
Cited by
Regional climate shifts caused by gradual global cooling in the Pliocene epoch
AC Ravelo, DH Andreasen, M Lyle, A Olivarez Lyle, MW Wara
Nature 429 (6989), 263-267, 2004
Permanent El Niņo-like conditions during the Pliocene warm period
MW Wara, AC Ravelo, ML Delaney
Science 309 (5735), 758-761, 2005
High Earth-system climate sensitivity determined from Pliocene carbon dioxide concentrations
M Pagani, Z Liu, J LaRiviere, AC Ravelo
Nature Geoscience 3 (1), 27-30, 2010
The Pliocene paradox (mechanisms for a permanent El Niņo)
AV Fedorov, PS Dekens, M McCarthy, AC Ravelo, PB DeMenocal, ...
Science 312 (5779), 1485-1489, 2006
Patterns and mechanisms of early Pliocene warmth
AV Fedorov, CM Brierley, KT Lawrence, Z Liu, PS Dekens, AC Ravelo
Nature 496 (7443), 43-49, 2013
Role of Panama uplift on oceanic freshwater balance
GH Haug, R Tiedemann, R Zahn, AC Ravelo
Geology 29 (3), 207-210, 2001
Oxygen isotopic composition of multiple species of planktonic foraminifera: Recorders of the modern photic zone temperature gradient
AC Ravelo, RG Fairbanks
Paleoceanography 7 (6), 815-831, 1992
Collapse of the California Current during glacial maxima linked to climate change on land
TD Herbert, JD Schuffert, D Andreasen, L Heusser, M Lyle, A Mix, ...
Science 293 (5527), 71-76, 2001
Chapter eighteen the use of oxygen and carbon isotopes of foraminifera in paleoceanography
AC Ravelo, C Hillaire-Marcel
Developments in marine geology 1, 735-764, 2007
Reconstructing tropical Atlantic hydrography using planktontic foraminifera and an ocean model
AC Ravelo, RG Fairbanks, SGH Philander
Paleoceanography 5 (3), 409-431, 1990
Tropical Pacific Ocean thermocline depth reconstructions for the last glacial maximum
DJ Andreasen, AC Ravelo
Paleoceanography 12 (3), 395-413, 1997
Warm upwelling regions in the Pliocene warm period
PS Dekens, AC Ravelo, MD McCarthy
Paleoceanography 22 (3), 2007
The relationship between surface water masses, oceanographic fronts and paleoclimatic proxies in surface sediments of the Greenland, Iceland, Norwegian Seas
T Johannessen, E Jansen, A Flatøy, AC Ravelo
Carbon Cycling in the Glacial Ocean: Constraints on the Ocean’s Role in …, 1994
Late Miocene decoupling of oceanic warmth and atmospheric carbon dioxide forcing
JP LaRiviere, AC Ravelo, A Crimmins, PS Dekens, HL Ford, M Lyle, ...
Nature 486 (7401), 97-100, 2012
Pacific Ocean and Cenozoic evolution of climate
M Lyle, J Barron, TJ Bralower, M Huber, A Olivarez Lyle, AC Ravelo, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 46 (2), 2008
Evidence for El Niņo-like conditions during the Pliocene
AC Ravelo, PS Dekens, M McCarthy
Gsa Today 16 (3), 4, 2006
Pliocene‐Pleistocene evolution of eastern tropical Pacific surface water circulation and thermocline depth
KG Cannariato, AC Ravelo
Paleoceanography 12 (6), 805-820, 1997
Pliocene development of the east‐west hydrographic gradient in the equatorial Pacific
WP Chaisson, AC Ravelo
Paleoceanography 15 (5), 497-505, 2000
Enhanced circulation during a warm period
AC Ravelo, DH Andreasen
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (7), 1001-1004, 2000
Reduced El Niņo–Southern Oscillation during the last glacial maximum
HL Ford, AC Ravelo, PJ Polissar
Science 347 (6219), 255-258, 2015
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Articles 1–20