Philipp M. Richter
Philipp M. Richter
Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg
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All quiet on the eastern front? Disruption scenarios of Russian natural gas supply to Europe
PM Richter, F Holz
Energy Policy 80, 177-189, 2015
Trade and the environment: The role of firm heterogeneity
U Kreickemeier, PM Richter
Review of International Economics 22 (2), 209-225, 2014
CO2 emission intensity and exporting: Evidence from firm-level data
PM Richter, A Schiersch
European Economic Review 98, 373-391, 2017
A global perspective on the future of natural gas: Resources, trade, and climate constraints
F Holz, PM Richter, R Egging
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2015
The role of natural gas in a low-carbon Europe: infrastructure and supply security
F Holz, PM Richter, R Egging
The Energy Journal 37 (Sustainable Infrastructure Development and Cross …, 2016
Coal taxes as supply-side climate policy: a rationale for major exporters?
PM Richter, R Mendelevitch, F Jotzo
Climatic Change 150 (1-2), 43-56, 2018
From boom to bust? A critical look at US shale gas projections
PM Richter
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 4 (1), 131-152, 2015
The role of natural gas in a low-carbon Europe: Infrastructure and regional supply security in the global gas model
F Holz, PM Richter, R Egging
DIW Berlin Discussion Paper, 2013
Environmental policy and firm selection in the open economy
H Egger, U Kreickemeier, PM Richter
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 8 (4 …, 2021
Shaking Dutch grounds won’t shatter the European gas market
F Holz, H Brauers, PM Richter, T Roobeek
Energy Economics 64, 520-529, 2017
Market power rents and climate change mitigation: a rationale for coal taxes?
PM Richter, R Mendelevitch, F Jotzo
DIW Berlin Discussion Paper, 2015
European natural gas infrastructure: The role of Gazprom in European natural gas supplies. Study Commissioned by The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament
F Holz, H Engerer, C Kemfert, PM Richter, C von Hirschhausen
DIW Berlin: Politikberatung kompakt, 2014
Strategic environmental policy and the mobility of firms
PM Richter, M Runkel, RC Schmidt
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 8 (5 …, 2021
The Paris Climate Agreement: Is it sufficient to limit climate change?
H Brauers, PM Richter
DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus, 2016
Trade and climate policies: the role of market structure, strategic behaviour, and the supply side of carbon [[Elektronische Ressource]]
PM Richter
Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Diss., 2015, 2015
Europäische Erdgasversorgung trotz politischer Krisen sicher
H Engerer, F Holz, PM Richter, C Von Hirschhausen, C Kemfert
diw Wochenbericht 81 (22), 479-492, 2014
Die Kontroverse um das Freihandelsabkommen TTIP
PM Richter, GF Schäffer
DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus, 2014
European natural gas supply secure despite political crises
H Engerer, F Holz, PM Richter, C von Hirschhausen, C Kemfert
DIW Economic Bulletin 4 (8), 3-15, 2014
The Controversy over the Free-Trade Agreement TTIP
PM Richter, GF Schäffer
DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus, 2014
Unilateral tax policy in the open economy
M Kohl, PM Richter
Journal of International Economics 145, 103829, 2023
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