Daniel Beverungen
Daniel Beverungen
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Conceptualizing smart service systems
D Beverungen, O Müller, M Matzner, J Mendling, J Vom Brocke
Electronic Markets 29 (1), 7-18, 2019
What makes local governments' online communications successful? Insights from a multi-method analysis of Facebook
S Hofmann, D Beverungen, M Räckers, J Becker
Government Information Quarterly 30 (4), 387-396, 2013
The challenge of conceptual modeling for product–service systems: status-quo and perspectives for reference models and modeling languages
J Becker, DF Beverungen, R Knackstedt
Information Systems and e-Business Management 8 (1), 33-66, 2010
Recombinant Service System Engineering
D Beverungen, H Lüttenberg, V Wolf
Seven paradoxes of business process management in a hyper-connected world
D Beverungen, JCAM Buijs, J Becker, C Di Ciccio, WMP van der Aalst, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 63 (2), 145-156, 2021
Identification of Services-A Stakeholder-Based Approach to SOA Development and its Application in the Area of Production Planning.
K Klose, R Knackstedt, D Beverungen
ECIS 7, 1802-1814, 2007
Integration of Novel Sensors and Machine Learning for Predictive Maintenance in Medium Voltage Switchgear to Enable the Energy and Mobility Revolutions
MW Hoffmann, S Wildermuth, R Gitzel, A Boyaci, J Gebhardt, H Kaul, ...
Sensors 20 (7), 2099, 2020
Information systems for smart services
D Beverungen, M Matzner, C Janiesch
Information Systems and e-Business Management 15, 781-787, 2017
From private digital platforms to public data spaces: implications for the digital transformation
D Beverungen, T Hess, A Köster, C Lehrer
Electronic Markets 32 (2), 493-501, 2022
An open-data approach for quantifying the potential of taxi ridesharing
B Barann, D Beverungen, O Müller
Decision Support Systems 99, 86-95, 2017
Transforming into a platform provider: strategic options for industrial smart service providers
D Beverungen, D Kundisch, N Wünderlich
Journal of Service Management 32 (4), 507-532, 2021
Smart service systems: An interdisciplinary perspective
D Beverungen, C Breidbach, J Pöppelbuß, VK Tuunainen
Information Systems Journal, 2019
Exploring the interplay of the design and emergence of business processes as organizational routines
D Beverungen
Business & Information Systems Engineering 6 (4), 191-202, 2014
Vermarktung hybrider Leistungsbündel: Das ServPay-Konzept
K Backhaus, J Becker, D Beverungen, M Frohs, R Knackstedt, O Müller, ...
Springer-Verlag, 2010
Design and evaluation of a model-driven decision support system for repurposing electric vehicle batteries
B Kloör, M Monhof, D Beverungen, S Braäer
European Journal of Information Systems, 1-18, 2017
Bridging the gap between manufacturing and service through IT-based boundary objects
J Becker, D Beverungen, R Knackstedt, M Matzner, O Müller, J Pöppelbuß
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 60 (3), 468-482, 2012
Exogenous Shocks and Business Process Management: A Scholars’ Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities
M Röglinger, R Plattfaut, V Borghoff, G Kerpedzhiev, J Becker, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 64 (5), 669-687, 2022
Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von Produzenten und Dienstleistern als Option zur Organisation der Erstellung hybrider Leistungsbündel
J Becker, D Beverungen, R Knackstedt
Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke: Konzepte für das Netzwerkmanagement und Potenziale …, 2008
Entwicklung Serviceorientierter Architekturen zur Integration von Produktion und Dienstleistung–Eine Konzeptionsmethode und ihre Anwendung am Beispiel des Recyclings …
D Beverungen, R Knackstedt, O Müller
Wirtschaftsinformatik 50 (3), 220-234, 2008
Reference models and modeling languages for product-service systems status-quo and perspectives for further research
J Becker, D Beverungen, R Knackstedt
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20